Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Traveling on the Hogwarts express with the Marauders was far different from anything she had experienced prior. She had enjoyed quiet rides with Ron and Hermione in a few lives, but most had been spent with Luna Lovegood (when she was old enough to attend), Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini, and occasionally Fred and George. A train ride with Slytherins tended to be filled with civilized conversation, polite questions about the summer, and then coded talk about the war, that if anyone overheard, they'd think they were talking about Quibbler articles. Luna truly was a misunderstood genius. Now, everything was different, none of those people were even thoughts in their parents' minds and she was no longer Harriet Potter.

Jasmine had been ushered into their compartment and sat down with an unnecessary amount of ceremony (there was some bowing involved and a bequeathing of a password), before she had been introduced to Peter for the first time. He was still just as pathetic as she remembered. The only real difference was that he had both hands, all ten fingers and more hair. A rat would always be a rat. Though, surprisingly enough, she didn't murder the him then and there, reacting like that would have proved Dumbledore right...and worse, have her expelled. If he only knew the trouble she'd be saving him in long run. But, it wouldn't have solved any of her future problems and he hadn't joined the Death Eaters quite yet. She wanted to catch him in the act of betraying his friends and then torture the information he had on his dark master out of him slowly and ever so painfully.

Just to bother the rat, Jasmine let Ro roam the cabin. She gave him a loud hiss before settling behind Jasmine for a nap.

That didn't mean that Jasmine wasn't going to watch him very closely. Peter was quiet and not making eye contact with her. She knew that James had written about her to him. James had told everyone he could that he basically had a sister now. She just wondered how much of the truth James told his friend about her past. Peter seemed to be terrified of her, after all, then again, her battle scars were rather terrifying out of context. Either way, the Marauders were planning their welcome feast prank. It was a tradition that they did every year and they always had to top the year before.

The only issue was that Remus had to leave part way through to go to the prefect meeting, much to the other boys' horror. Sirius was begging him to skip it, just to stay with them. "Those gits don't need you! Stay here and help us plan, Moony, we're almost done!"

"You know I can't do that, Sirius. I need to meet the other prefects."

Sirius whined again, looking even more like a wounded dog than he already did with his overly shaggy hair and pleading grey eyes. Was he making them water on command?

Jasmine had quite enough of their bad behavior.

"Just go, Remus. I'll make sure these monsters behave themselves while you're gone."

James and Sirius stuck their tongues out at her before Remus left with a fond smile.

"I swear your nine not fifteen," she grumbled, pulling out a book and silently locking the door to keep James from finding some poor unfortunate soul to prank.

As soon as they knew Remus was out of sight both James and Sirius reached for the handle, only to be shocked. Her cousin yelped and held his hand up to his mouth in pain. Sirius shook his out once and then went to grab the handle again, only to be rewarded with the same results. Peter was watching the whole interaction with a mortified curiosity.

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