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I came out of the washroom changed in my nighty feeling fresh when two arms wrapped around my waist and a head dropped on my shoulder making me grin widely, my dear husband.. "Finally.." I look in the mirror to see him pouting, the man has tried almost all the antics to get some alone time with me the moment we arrived Mumbai but he couldn't..

It was such a hectic day and now finally I can look forward to get some sleep, Manik kissed my neck... okay or maybe not.. shit Krishna Ji!! How can I forget that since now we are married and today is our first proper night together.. The decoration in our room signaled that way but I stubbornly ignored it.. So it means do we have to do the deed today? Oh No I have heard that's a bit painful.. So Manik is going to hurt me today?..

"Okay okay will you just calm down Nandani.." I looked at him confused who was now standing in front of me holding me through my shoulders. "I don't know what were you thinking a minute back, but your face actually paled and you scared the hell out of me.. So whatever it is that you are fussing about tell me right away.." And a blush rose to my cheeks. How can I say what I was thinking about.. Uff!! Krishna Ji Please help me out here...

"I wasn't thinking about anything.." I get out of his hold and started cleaning up our room, which was a mess right now and I know how much of a neat freak he is.. I really liked his room, everything here was just perfect and I loved it all.. "Wait seriously, your handsome husband is standing here in front of you waiting for a bit attention from your end and you are drowning yourself in such petty works.. come on Nandani don't be a bore it's our first night.."

The moment those words left his mouth, my eyes turned as big as saucer and the saree fell off from my hand but that's not the worst part, the worst part is my husband is so damn smart and he catch up on really quick... So he did, for a second he was shock that was bearable but another second he burst out laughing that mean monster... "hahaha Manik Kapoor is so funny.." I mocked him in baby voice but when his laughter fit didn't get over, I stomped my foot angrily And made a run towards the door but before I could reach there, he pulled me back and I fall on his lap..

"Where do you think you are going Mrs. Kapoor?" He asked lovingly but I didn't dare look at his face.. yess now he is not going to get a dreamy look from his wife.. "Away from you.." The moment I said that his hold on me tightened and I looked at him only to find hurt in his eyes.. Shit!! Now I have hurt him.. "Don't ever say that Nandani, I won't be able to live.." He looked so vulnerable at that second that I couldn't hold myself back before placing a Kiss on his lips and he smiled making my lips turned up too..

Before I could pull back, his hand came in to hold my neck and he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss.. It was rough and it was raw like he is trying to transfer all his emotions through that kiss.. my knees wobble a bit and my arms immediately went around his neck to stop myself from falling.. we kissed hard, we kissed deep like there is no tomorrow and finally he broke it off due to lack of breath.. He started placing soft kisses on my collarbones and I almost melted there, this man sure knows how to kiss.. "you are cute you know that.." He said pecking me again on lips and I just gave a shy smile in return..

"Don't worry we aren't doing anything tonight, I want our first night to be very special and mostly I want you to be comfortable and willing to take our relationship to the next level and I promise I can wait as long as you want Nandani.." And my chest swelled a bit in pride.. Well ladies and gentlemen that's right here is my Man and I am so hopelessly devoted to him...


"Nandu, when is Manik going to come pick you up?" Chachi called from Kitchen where she has busy herself whole day.. Pagfera ritual went pretty well.. Rishabh and Chachu came at the breakfast for taking Manik and I... And every one here literally treated us like we were some celebrities... And I took the whole advantage of the situation and literally made Navya and Rishabh run so many errands for me.. Manik left from here after having an early lunch, since it's our reception tonight and he have to check on the arrangement's.. Also we had a midnight flight for our honeymoon whose destination is a surprise for me.. No matter how much I begged Manik he didn't informed me about the place.. But I know we are going somewhere abroad..

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