The route was quite long and road bit edgy

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Oh how much I hate Monday's, like after getting a two days rest who the hell want to come back in the hell hole name office. I wasn't any different from other normal people. I enjoy my Job but also hate Monday. "Nandu, come down fast for breakfast you are getting late." Chachi called again and after checking everything that I need is there in my bag, I finally made my way downstairs. "Don't rush Nandu, you will fall.." Chachu scolded and I just gave him a sheepish smile. He will also get late along with me today. I grabbed a sandwich and gulped down a glass of juice in a go. "I will eat it on my way... Bye Chachi.." Kissing her goodbye and getting a scolding from Chachu we finally drove off.

"Good Morning soon to be Mrs. Kapoor.." Janvi's teasing voice came in my ears and I groaned. This girl never get's enough of teasing me. "Not again Janvi, not in a mood.." She frowned for a second but covered up quickly, "Monday blues?" She grimaced and I scoffed exactly. I came inside my cabin and started arranging Manik's schedule. I would hate to admit this but lastSaturday was quite fun with everyone. Apart from that Alya fiasco our picnic went really well.

Dhruv never came back that day. Later that evening, I received a message from him apologizing for leaving like that. According to him Alya can be very persuasive. But nonetheless he seemed happy to be united with his childhood best friend or should I say crush. I guess they both will make a good pair, cause the Alya I saw with Dhruv was so different than the Alya who use to be Manik's bitchy Fiancé. Talking about Manik, Chachi and Dida want me to have a bonding session with his Mom. I wish I could tell them, It's next to impossible cause the women hates me. But apparently don't know how but they have managed a dinner date for both of us tomorrow and I am quite a lot nervous for it.

I could hear Manik's cabin get unlocked, means he is here. I immediately stood up to make him a cup of earl grey tea. I know for a reason that Manik cannot function without his tea. It's been 4 months since I am working with him and It was a bit scary that how aware I am of his each and every habit even the smallest one. "Good Morning Ms. Sharma." A cheerful Manik greeted me when I entered inside his cabin, today he was standing near the window, a very unusual of him.

"Morning to you too Mr. Kapoor. Here your tea.." I forwarded him the cup that he took gleefully. He look more handsome when he is happy. Okay put a break on your thoughts Nandu. "Not going to ask what is so good about this morning?" He teased and I just rolled my eyes, hiding a smile that was threatening to come off on my lips. Something has changed between us since the engagement that I couldn't place a finger on. But something has, that is for sure.

Nandani - If I wouldn't ask then you won't tell me?

Manik - No, I won't.

Nandani - Great cause I don't want to know either.

Manik - Noooo don't be like this, just ask me.

He bragged like a kid and I struggled hard to not melt down right there. Does this boy have any idea how his stupid gestures affect my brain cells? "Don't be like a kid.." I scowled and he pouted, ugh!!!! Stop making it so damn difficult Mr. Kapoor. I look at his cute pout and a sullen face and sighed. "Fine, what is so good about this morning?" I could see him grinning ear to ear, my lips tugged upward a little on seeing him so happy. He sure act like a 5 year old most of the times. "You.."

Nandani - What?

Manik - You.. You are the good thing about this morning.

He replied cheekily making me groaned louder, seriously this boy is never going to stop with his cheesy lines and lame attempts of flirting. "Done with the one liners?" I asked with a straight face. "Yupp.." He was still smiling wide. Okay I know your teeth are white, stop showing them off. "Great, now go and do some work, you are the boss so please act like one.." Manik made a face on that and without saying anything further I left his cabin to finish my work in peace.

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