Forgive me Manik, forgive me please

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I stopped my car when I spot him and came out running straight into his arms.. Gosh I have missed him so very much.. "I missed you too babe, but why did you came to my office what if someone has seen both of us together, you know we both will get into trouble.." Dhruv said concerned and I sighed.. Till how long all this will go on, I can't even meet him without the worry in my head that someone might catch us..

"I am sorry Dhruv, but I have to see you anyhow.. You know My Father is so furious about breaking off my marriage with Manik... He thought the offer that Mr. Malhotra gave him that time was good enough but now he is regretting.. I can't believe how greedy my own Father can be.." Born in an upper middle class family was a curse to me.. Maybe if I would have been born in a normal family, my life too would be normal and I would have able to live happily..

"I know Alya, you know all this is not easy for me.. I have loved you since forever, you know I was totally broken when your Father took you away from me.. I went abroad, studied harder, cracked a job so that I could actually be worthy of you but what he did, he forcibly make you engaged with Manik Kapoor, just for his money.. You have no idea how difficult it was for me to see you with my own Boss.." I cried harder, all of this has not been easy for me too.. But did I have any other choice, no...

"I have loved you too Dhruv, I tried to love Manik, to be happy with him and maybe I would have been successful if he would have shown even a least bit of interest or have made any efforts to make this relationship work.. But he didn't.. So when I saw you in Manik's office after so many years, I yearned for love Dhruv and that's how I decided to end this alliance.. When you sent me pictures of Manik and his assistant I felt hope of getting rid of that engagement.. So I viral those pictures and we were almost successful but no my greedy Father can never let this happen.. I hate him Dhruv, I hate my own Dad.."

I screamed loudly.. I wasn't this girl, this mean and bitchy women, I never was.. I have hated myself in destroying that Girl's reputation just for my own agenda.. I didn't even knew that girl but Dhruv did and they became good friends.. But what we did, we pushed a knife in her back.. "You did this to us..." And the sudden unknown voice made me freeze in my tracks...


When I followed Alya back, I never expected to hear such confessions.. My whole head hurts and I don't know what to do anymore. One of my best friend broke my trust, "You did this to us.." I was shocked to hear all this.. I can't believe Dhruv was the one clicking our pictures and I can not even in my wildest dreams think that Alya would be the one involved in all this fiasco. "Nandani, what are you doing here?" They both were looking at me with a panic stricken face..

"How could you Dhruv? How could you? I thought we were friends, I trusted you.." he bowed down his head and I felt disgusted with myself.. How much of a bad choice do I have in friends. How could I ever trust this men? Manik always hated seeing both of us together, I wish I would have listened to him and stayed away from this Man who claimed to be my friend.. "Nandani, It was not his fault, he just showed me the pictures to prove Manik can never love me but I miss used them.."

"I am not talking to you, I am talking to the guy who once was my best friend.. Tell me Dhruv why would you hid all this from me.. You knew what I went through, I was a laughing stock for whole office, everybody hated me.. My Dida was disappointed from me and I was forced to marry Manik.. I always blamed Manik for all this fiasco but in actual it was all your fault.." I screamed at the top of my voice.. We were at some sort of hill, a very deserted area away from main city and now I get it why Alya chose this place to meet Dhruv...

"Nandani, I loved her.. I loved her since I first saw her, She is everything to me but then her Father separated us just because I wasn't someone as rich as Manik.. I come from a middle class family, but that didn't give anyone the right to pull me away from the only girl I have loved like crazy.. I know I have done wrong, I know you hate me know but just think it from my point of view Nandani, I wanted her back so I did what I think was best..."

I understand what Love is, I can totally understand Alya's father has no right to break them apart but why was I being pulled inside this mess. Why me? "Nandani just forgive us we know we have done a huge mistake but look you are married to Manik now, the famous business tycoon.. He is handsome, he has money what else do you need?" A bitter laugh escaped my lips hearing her..

"Yes Alya, I don't regret marrying Manik not because he has money but I know he is the only one meant for me.. Manik is a gem of a person and honestly you never deserved him but you know what the irony is that I just fought with my husband thinking he has done injustice with you.. But look what I found, it was not him but you... You are responsible for all this fiasco and my husband is the one to deal with all the accusations.. I accused Manik for forcing you on breaking your engagement but in reality it was you who planned this.. It's all your fault..."

I am sorry Manik, I am sorry Baby.. I don't deserve you, I doubted on you, I fought with you for something that wasn't even your fault.. I am sorry baby, I am so very sorry.. "Nandani stop it, you can't blame Alya like this and your husband is not some saint, he was actually keeping his eye on you when he was in a relationship with Alya.. You think I haven't noticed the chemistry that has always been there in between both of you.. You should be happy that because of our selfishness you got him, the guy you always desire.."

And I seriously befriended this guy... Wow Nandani Manik Kapoor, you really suck in choices.. "Actually you both are right, You are selfish.. You both were not brave enough to fight for your love so you Made Manik and I a ladder to reach where you wanted to.. But Look you are still away from your endgame.. I think Manik and other's especially your Father Mr. Saxena has a right to know all this... I can't let anyone walk all over my husband blaming him for something that was not even his fault..." I pulled out my cellphone and looked for Manik's number..

But before I could press the call button, Alya came forward stopping me.. "What are you doing Alya, leave my Phone.." I struggled under her grip but she wasn't ready to let go, Krishna Ji this women is crazy.. "I am not letting you spoil anything Nandani, you can't tell my Dad anything.. I am guilty what I did with you but I can let you do this.." I was trying to snatch my phone from her and she was doing the same, I had no idea when we both reached dangerously close to the edge of the hill..

"Girl's just stop it please.." Dhruv screamed but none of us were ready to give up yet.. Manik and her father both need to know the truth.. They have spoiled our lives and I can't get them walk away just like that.. "Leave it Alya.." I pulled the phone with quite a force that let my foot slip.. "Shit.." I could see Alya's eyes widening... No, No... Oh No!!!! This can't be happening, No Krishna Ji, please don't do this.. Manik will not be able to live...

"Nandani..." I could hear Dhruv scream but couldn't actually see anyone.. Is that it? Is this our end.. I promised a forever to my husband.. I have to give him the news of him becoming a Father, I want to bring this little life inside me in this world.. I want to have a family of my own. But I guess I couldn't keep my promise anymore.. Forgive me Manik, forgive me please... And I felt my eyes closing...


Manan's end? Please don't forget to vote and comment.. Happy reading ❤❤❤

Hopelessly Devoted to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora