What I have landed her into

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I was blankly staring at the newspaper in front of me. The picture on the front page was enough to make my blood boil. I didn't have slightest bit of idea, how am I suppose to deal with this right now. "What the hell is this Manik, I need an explanation from you answer me.." Neyonika Kapoor also hold a title of my Mom was enraged and I am the reason this time. I look at my Dad who was silently sitting with a thoughtful look on his face. He haven't said anything and I am assuming this is a storm before calm.

I looked at my siblings, who looked more confused than shocked. Of course they would be, they don't have any idea what has their brother been going through from past few days. Then there was Sobbing Alya and her parents who looked equally angry like Mrs Kapoor. "You have to explain Manik, what's going on. We have the right to know after all Alya is your fiancée.." I want to roll my eyes on that fiancée comment but I restrict myself.  This time I am actually at fault and the best I could do is to handle their anger session.

Suddenly Alya stood up from her place and looked at me with those teary eyes. I don't know why I don't even feel remotely guilty for doing this to her. Why wasn't my heart clenching at the sight of her teary face infact it all seemed fake to me. Her tears, her distraught state everything seemed fake. If it was Nan.. okay Manik just stop for heaven's sake. Stop with that name right now. "Tell me Manik this is why you weren't ready for our marriage cause you were busy with some low class whore of office.." She spat the words and I could only see red. "Alya.." I shouted at top of my voice making her flinch. How dare she talk about Nandani like that how fucking she dare.

"Don't increase your voice at her Manik and what wrong did she say? Look at these pictures it clearly states what were you two upto. You were sucking her face for god sake. What were you thinking. Did Alya being your fiancée slipped out from your mind or what.." Mom reasoned and I again took a look on those pictures, the pictures were great, I could have frame them and hung up in my bedroom if they weren't mocking me by being in the front page of this newspaper. I don't know who blooy bastard dare to click these pictures and also forwarded them to media. But whoever he or she is they are going to pay for this.  The pictures were of yesterday when I was Manhandling Nandani, we were so close that one picture actually look like we were kissing. But hell we were not.

These were all over the media and I guess on Television too talking about how I have been cheating on my fiancé with my office colleague. Even Nandani's name was out. I knew the culprit was someone from office only but who exactly I had no idea. "Manik answer us, why did you do this to our daughter.." Alya's mom looked at me defeated and I felt bad for them, for Nandani and for me of course. "Look I do not have an affair with her, she is my assistant and we were not kissing for god sake, infact we were having an argument.." I reasoned them only to hear Alya snort. "Really Manik didn't you find a better excuse, from which angle do you guys seems to be fighting. Look at the pictures Manik you are holding her close, you never fight with me like that.." Cause you will never be what Nandani is to me Alya you will never be.

"I told you all the truth, if you people don't want to believe than that's your problem not mine.." I said with finality in my voice without looking at any of them. enough is enough, I am done explaining. "No, Manik you can't.." and Mom's voice was cut by Dad's, finally he spoke but not what I expected.. "I think you people should leave now and Neyonika we also have to leave, we have a flight to catch and it's important.." Mom tried to talk but he cut her off again. Alya threw me a angry stare and left following by her parents so did Neyonika. "Fix it.." He said to me with a blank face and left after his wife.

"God what did I have done, she told me to let her go, she pleaded but I was so blind in my fury to see anything past her. I didn't paid any heed to the fact that we were standing out there, anyone could be watching. How could I be so stupid, it's all my fault. I man handle her and look what happened.." I sighed and fall down on my seat taking my head in my hands. "You did what?" Oh Fuck!! I looked up to see my siblings watching me with a disappointed look. "I didn't expect this from you Big B.." Mukti sighed and I felt my head bow down in shame.. "I don't expect this me from either Kiddo, I am sorry I am such a horrible person. I have failed everyone.."

I so wanted to cry on my misery. Suddenly I felt both of them wrapping their arms around me. "You are not horrible, you are the best brother and even a good human being. We love you okay.." Cabir moaned and I smiled, I love them too. Only they are the ones who no matter what will always be there for me I know. "But Big B, have you thought what would be going on Nandani's house. You are a boy that too A Kapoor still you have  faced all this but Nandani is a girl and her family is a bit conservative what Will be happening to her right now." And the panic strikes at me what I have landed her into. Don't kill me Nandani please don't.


"Answer me Nandani, for doing all this you wanted to come here to this city, for disgracing our family? This is what I have taught you from childhood. I am ashamed Nandani you have disappointed me a lot today." I looked at Dida with tearful eyes and she looked away. I felt my heart clenching. I hate You Manik this is all because of you and more than you I hate myself. I let you do this to me, I let you took a hold of my life. When I should have never done that. I can't believe our pictures were out their all over the news and the whole country was talking about it.

Dida took the first flight to Mumbai when she saw the pictures and now here she was blaming her own upbringings. Chachu and Chachi were quiet from the morning they haven't said a word to me but I know they are hurt too. Just like Dida. I was a crying mess and Rishu and Navi were there to hold me but their eyes hold so many questions. "I swear on Krishna Ji I haven't done anything wrong, these pictures are portrayed in a wrong way. We weren't doing any shameful deed. Nothing at all. Please believe me." I moaned..

"I am old Nandani not blind, I could see this. And I am more disappointed from both of you. I had send my kids in your guidance this is how you took care of them. Tell me Madhuri if she was your real daughter, you would still have not paid any heed to her deeds." She snapped at Chachi.

"Mammi Ji please. Nandani is my daughter I love her as much as I love Navya and I don't know about you but I trust my daughter and I know what we see is not true always atleast not this time." I looked at her with so much gratitude. I know she has never distinguish between Navya and I. But her support at such a crucial time matters to me a lot. "Yes Ma, even I am with Madhuri on this, I trust Nandu and also this boy. We know him personally. This is definitely a misunderstanding." And my chest swelled up at that. Who says I lost my parents, I didn't. They are standing right in front of me with that trust in their eyes.

Chachi took me in a hug and I cried in her embrace. I just wish to close my eyes and wake up again with a new day that will not have a trace of this nightmare. I hope all this is a bad dream. What did you landed up me in Manik. What did you do.


Who did you think leaked the pictures any wild guesses? To know how Manik and Nandani are gonna overcome this storm please stay tuned.
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