I knew You were trouble

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It's more than a month since I started working for Kapoor's, my Job was great and so was my Boss. Yes, the Monster is actually a nice Man if you are not pissing him off. So I tried not to, He is very sharp and the way he crack the deals was too awesome. I mean he left all the people speechless in the meetings with his words. It was just Awesome. I don't know why I feel the butterflies dancing in my stomach whenever I am with him. it's weirdly strange but his Aura, his presence, his smile everything just take my breath away.

I haven't felt anything like this before, I don't know what is this but it's just magical. He never talked rudely to me after the first time and  I was so thankful of that. cause I can't take anyone else temper, not of him of at least. Last week I got my first pay check and the feeling of holding that thing was awesome. We had a little party that night including Cabir and Mukti. Navya invited Manik too but he couldn't make it. And I thank Krishna Ji for that. Like come on it seems odd to be partying with your Boss. pretty much Odd.

Well the another mind blowing news I got 2 days back was Manik and I were flying to Bangkok for a business deal and I couldn't be any more happy. Thank God I get my passport made last year otherwise it would have  been such a embarrassment. It will be my first time of flying outside the country, though it's on Business purpose and possibly it's going to be so boring. But Cabir assured me that I will get some time to explore the place. I wish he could also come along so it would have been more fun. We had a flight today evening and will be coming back on Monday morning. I hope Navya has finished my packing. 

I was lost in my thoughts outside Manik's office, He was on some important conference call. when I heard a very cranky voice, too loud for my liking mixed with Janvi. Okay what's going on. Before I could go and inspect, I saw Janvi and a very pretty girl, almost like a Model dressed up like a Barbie. She was really tall or it was her fancy heels. She had a killer figure and a very pretty eyes. Her dress screamed Royalty. I couldn't help but feel bit low in front of her. "Excuse Me Ma'am what's wrong?" I asked politely to her and than looked at Janvi who seemed nervous and annoyed at the  same time.. "I tried to explain her that Sir is Busy right now, but she didn't listen.." Janvi sighed and I again looked at that Diva and smiled politely which she of course didn't return.

"Ma'am Mr. Kapoor is in between a very important conference call.. If you could please wait at the reception, I will call you once he is done.." I tried to reasoned but She glared at me. "And you are?" She raised her brows and I feel intimidated but I keep my calm. "I am his Personal Assistant, he has asked me to not let anyone in.." She looked up and down at me and then smirked, I am not liking this girl even for a bit now.. "I guess my worry for the new PA was totally useless.. I mean look at you, you are just harmless. Manik is totally safe then, cause he won't even look at you. And who the hell are you to stop me, Don't you know I am Manik's fiancé. I can wait inside his cabin. So move.." With that she barged in inside the room.

I felt a tug at my heart, I forgot that she just insulted me in front of Janvi, but the only thing that was ringing around my head is that Manik is engaged. I Knew this before meeting him, everyone knew.. But still I chose to ignore, Oh Krishna ji, why did you let me forgot. He was taken, this Man belong to someone else. Why did you not warn me before, why?

Janvi - She is a bitch, I don't know what Manik Sir is doing with her.

Nandani - Don't talk like that Janvi, you don't even know her.

Janvi - Oh I know enough to tell how rude and mean she is as a person, Alya Saxena  just a replica of Mrs. Kapoor. I guess that's why she chose her. Well Whatever, I am going back to my place.

I nodded my head. Did anything can change the fact that she is engaged to Manik Kapoor, and he might be in love with her. Who wouldn't. She is the one who fits with him.


I was engrossed deeply in my phone call when suddenly the door of my cabin opened and Alya walked inside. My eyebrows twitched, what the hell is she doing here. She passed me a smile and settled over the couch, mouthing carry on I will wait. I tried to concentrate on the call but then couldn't so after 10 minutes or so I finished the call.

Manik - What are you doing here?

Alya - coming to check up on my fiancé, who is so busy these days that hardly have  time for me.

She came over to me and kissed my cheek, I feel like throwing up. It's been two years since Alya and I are engaged but don't know why I didn't even feel a little bit of attraction towards her. She is just not my type. I don't like such girls, I like girls like Nandani. I felt a pain in my heart thinking about Nandani.. what the hell were you thinking Manik. You are engaged with her not with Nandani.

Alya - Where are you lost baby?

Manik - Nowhere, so care to tell me what brings you here..

Alya - I just want to know at what time is our flight to Bangkok.

Manik - Our What?

What the hell is she talking about, why would she be coming along.

Alya - What didn't Neyonika Mom tell you. I am coming along cause I too have a meeting for our fashion line. So I will be joining you. It's good nah, atleast we will get to spend some quality time there.

I rolled my eyes at her, seriously where are we going on Picnic? 

Manik - I am going for work not on a holiday Alya.

Alya - Yeah Yeah I got it.. Even I am. But we won't be working for 24/7 right. So tell me what time is the flight, or leave you just make the bookings for me and text me, I will be ready. Pick me up on the way of airport. Okay..

And I just nodded my head. I guess in a way it's fine. I should be going with Alya instead of Nandani. I can't spend any more time with her. It's not Okay. I have to stay away from her. Yes Manik you have to. Alya again kissed on my cheek and then left.. Leaving me annoyed and irritated. And just after few minutes Nandani entered inside, she looked lost..

Nandani - Sorry Mr. Kapoor, I tried to stop her but she just barge in.

Manik - it's Okay Ms. Sharma.

She nodded her head and turned around, "Wait Ms. Sharma.."  She turned around and looked questioningly at me, I threw a file on the table and she picked it.. "Go through it and prepare all the important details I have to keep in mind, prepare a presentation if needed and handover everything to me around 4:00 Clock, I will be leaving after then. I have a flight to catch.." I pause to look at her face, which seemed blank.. "You are not coming with me.." I could see the hurt in her eyes, which she was quick to hide.. I am sorry Nandani, but I can't let anything wrong happen. I have to stay away from you as far as possible.

She nodded her head and  left me alone in my room with my clouded thoughts. The thoughts that were full of Nandani, it's so strange that the girl I know for more than 4 years and is engaged with for 2 years don't make me feel anything but the girl I have just known for a month, make my heart do somersaults. Her smile, her bangles, the way she dress up, that big dove eyes full of Kohl, that plump full lips. The way she talk, the way she think, the way she make faces whenever she is in trouble. Everything about her is so tempting.

I know you were trouble when I first saw you, but the irony is I still can't keep my eyes off you. I knew this was wrong, I knew I will have to pay a hefty price but still I couldn't lure my heart to stay away from you. I just couldn't. But now I will, you will find a different Manik from Monday, I promise you Nandani, A Manik you will hate, a Manik you will loathe. It's a Promise.

*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Okay people's so what do you think, do you think Nandani will be  able to hate Manik, or scratch that do you think manik will be able to stay away from Nandani.. can he feel for Alya, when he is already feeling so deeply for Nandani.. To find out please stay tune and don't forget to vote and comment on this one.. Happy reading.. :)

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