Your monster is coming back for you

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Aryaman stopped the car in front of a hospital and my heart beats increased. I don't know what I am going to find out in there. Like just few hours back I received a news of being a Father and I found my missing wife and don't know what else I am going to discover now. "Come on Manik, Soha is waiting for us." Aryaman has already informed her sister about everything on call and even she was curious to meet me. I could sense the uncertainity she feels towards me and I am glad Nandani had somneone to look after her all those years. I can't thank both the Khurana siblings enough for what all they have done for me.

"Doctor Soha is waiting for you in her cabin Sir." A nurse informed us and I followed Aryaman quietly. It's a very prestigious hospital of just not this city but the whole country no doubt Ms. Khurana is a good Doctor, if she is working here. "Hey There Sissy.." Aryaman greeted a girl almost Nandani's age who look similar to him. I gave her a hesitant smile which she returned instantly. "Hello I am Manik Kapoor, Nandani's Husband." I informed forwarding my hand which she took but with a confused expression on her face. "Oh he means Ananya, her real name is Nandani." She nodded at that. We all settle down not knowing what to say. But come on Manik, thank her she is the lady who has saved your wife's life.

Manik - I can't really thank you enough for what all you have done for my family.. Really you don't know I would have died if something would have happened to her. So Thank you so much.

"No need to thank me, being a doctor it's my duty to save someone's life and what i did aftwerord was my duty as a human being. So you don't really have to thank me. But sorry Mr. Kapoor i can't just let any random guy come up to us saying Ananya is his wife and those are his kids. So if you don't mind I want to conduct a DNA test just for my assurance. I already have the samples of kids, just need yours." And now I have to prove that I am the father of my own kids. She is not wrong though, how can she believe any random guy.

"Please Ms. Khurana you can go ahead with whatever test you want to conduct, I have no objections at all.." Soon a nurse came and took my hair sample. Results will be out by tomorrow morning and I know I can meet my kids then only. But how am I going to survive this night only I know. "So shall we discuss the condition of my wife?" I badly want to know what Nandani is going through right now. I want to know if she is safe and out of danger. I can't loose her once again. Not this time Nandani's Krishna Ji, not this time.

"Mr. Kapoor your wife has faced a severe brain injury that affected in wiping away all her memories. She doesn't even remember her name or anything about herself. Her and and kid's survival in that accident was a miracle.." And my eyes welled up thank you Krishna ji it's all because of you that she is here in front of me all okay. Thank you.

"So what are the chances of Nandani regaining her memories back?" I asked hopefully. "I won't lie to you but there are not much of the chances. We tried what we could in past 7 years but nothing happened. And whenever she pressurize her brain to remember something from her past, her condition worsened. So right now if you will go to her and tell her everything, it can take a toll on her health and a severe damage can happen.." Soha explained making me more miserable than before.

"No please don't say like this, My life is empty without her.. 7 years I have looked out for her, 7 years I have waited for her to return to me and now when she is finally in front of me, I can't loose her again.. there would be some cure for this, something that we can do.. just tell me I will do anything to get her back in my life.. Any Damn thing.." I cried in agony and they both just gave me sympathetic looks..

"Manik just calm down.." Aryaman tried to calm me but I am losing it all.. I am losing all patience that I have.. I want to hug her, to kiss her, to assure my heart that she is here with me but I can't.. why God why? Why are you doing all this to us? "Mr. Kapoor please pull yourself together. I can understand what you are going through and I will do my best to help you but you have to be strong for her and for your kids.." I nodded at her, I am ready to do whatever she wants me to.. I just need my Nandani..

"Tell me what I have to do?" I asked collecting myself back together, I can't get weak not now when I am so close to my destination. "See one of my senior doctors already ensured me that we can get her memories back if slowly we tried to make her remember things from her past. But the drawback then was that none of us knew Ananya and we have no idea about her past life.. But you are here and we can try this thing, now you can try recreating all those past memories and there are chances that she might remember it all.. you just have to make sure don't pressurize her much. This will take time, a month, a year or maybe long but you have to be patient Mr. Kapoor and I am sure soon she will remember everything. So are you ready for it?"

As ready as I ever could be.. if this is the chance to win her back then I will grab it without any second thoughts.. And living all those moments with her once again, no way I am leaving this opportunity.. Get ready Nandani Manik Kapoor , your monster is coming back for you..


"What's wrong why are you both not asleep by now? It's a school night remember?" I saw both my mini monsters stark awake, they should be asleep by now. It's too late then they will do all the drama for getting up in the morning. Don't know how much they love to trouble their mother. "Momma I am trying to make her sleep but she doesn't listen.." Manas said almost in a tiring tone and my heart goes aww on my baby's cuteness.. he is just two minute older than her but always take care of her no matter what..

"Anvi what's wrong why are you troubling him?" I picked  up my baby girl and she clinged to me pecking my cheeks.. Motherhood is such a blessing to women. I don't know what I would have done without these two in my life. "I want to talk to Manik.." and I couldn't help but sigh at her not so meaningful demand that too at this hour.. wait did she just called him by his name? "Anvi bad manners he is so older to you, you shouldn't be calling his name.." I scolded her but she pouted..

"But momma he is my friend and I call all my friend by their name.. He said I can call him Manik.. Momma please I want to talk to him, please Momma please.." and she started wailing.. God what magic has that man created on my kids. They just don't stop talking about him and now she wants to talk to him.. "Okay when Aryaman will come tomorrow Ask him he will make you talk with him.. now go sleep.."

"No, I wanna talk now, now, now..." She started jumping on the bed making me angry, This is not the time to be stubborn. They should just sleep now. "Stop Avni, don't make me angry.. I told you nh talk tomorrow now go back to sleep.. anyhow I don't even have his number.." I could see her face drop. Shit!! Now I have made her sad.. God Ananya!! "I have his number.." Manas said quietly placing a chit in my hand and I sighed.. will it be okay to disturb him at this hour.. I looked at the faces of my kids who sat there expectantly and yea the decision was made then and there..

It was ringing and I don't know why I am this sweaty.. There is something about him that made me uneasy and I can't point out what.. I was about to disconnect the call but finally he picked up and my heartbeats fastened. "Hello.." I could hear his a bit annoyed voice, I guess I have disturbed him.. gosh what All I have do for both of them.. "Hello Mr. Kapoor.." and then there was a silence of don't know how long. Is he still there or disconnected the line? Before I could say anything Anvi took the phone from my hand putting it on speaker.

"Hello Manik.." And a chuckle could be heard from his side. "Hello cupcake, eveything okay?" He asked so sweetly that it melted my heart. God his voice is just sooo good.. okay Ananya shut your mouth.. "I was missing you.." I swear she has never shown this much sweetness to me, now I am jealous of this guy.. "Aww my baby I miss you too.. But it's late you should be sleeping now.." yeah that's what exactly I am telling to her from so long. "When will you come to see us again?"

"Tomorrow I will pick you up from school I promise.. okay now be a good girl and sleep.. Manas you too.. I will see you both tomorrow.." and with Few more sweet words he finally disconnected the call and both of them went to sleep happily without another word.. Wow!! He literally had a hold on my kids now.. what are you Manik Kapoor?


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