Wow!! Am I single again?

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The tension in our home was on its peak. Dida was still angry one minute and crying on another thinking about now who will marry me after seeing my such pictures. Chachu and Chachi were hurt about the allegations Dida have put on them. I know they feel like they have failed her but I know better. While Rishu and Navya seems sympathetic towards me. And I have no idea how I am going to fix all of this. No freaking idea I have.

Doorbell rang and Chachi went to open it and when she came back she wasn't alone. There stood the person who is responsible for all the chaos in my life. The person who makes me loose my sanity whenever he is around. The person I have been crushing since the moment I have met him and the person who I hate the most right now, Manik Kapoor. His expression were somewhat guilty but that wasn't enough to Suppress my anger that I felt building up.

"What the hell are you doing here? Haven't you done enough?" I spat at him. My blood boiling. His eyes flickered around the room and stopped down at my Dida looking confused. "She is Navya and Nandani's grandmother from Bangalore." Chachi explained and Realization dawn on him and he looked more guilty. Dida was shooting daggers at him and I so want to scream Punch him in the face Dida he is the culprit please punch him.

He moved towards her with slow steps and sat down on the floor placing her hand on her knees. I could see her eyes turned softer on his gesture. He bowed his head down and sighed. "I know you hate me and you have every right to. You can also punch me if you want, shout at me, slap me whatever you feel like. But please don't hate her, any of this is not her mistake.." I feel like slapping him hard. "Glad we realized that.." I murmured under my breath loud enough to be heard by everyone but they ignored it.

"There is nothing going on in between Nandani and I, we are just colleagues not even friends. These pictures have been misinterpreted. we were fighting that day and I  just crossed a line in my rage but nothing as such happened like it's described in these pictures I swear. Don't doubt on your upbringings please not from these at least." Everyone was looking at him with what I could feel understanding. Even Dida looked relieved after his little confession. Wow so she could trust him but not me. I felt a pang of hurt and tears welled up in my eyes.

"We trust you son and Nandani too. I know you both wouldn't have done something like that.." Chachu hugged him and he smiled. "You are a nice boy, I believe you but what about the world, these pictures are everywhere how my Nandu is going to face the world. This is going to be difficult.." She looked worried but that doesn't change the fact that she believed a stranger over her own grand daughter. "I promise you all that I will fix it. Just give me some time and I will sort everything out.." He reasoned and everyone nodded apart from me. 

He looked in my direction but I turned around, "I will see you at office tomorrow.." He said over my shoulder and my fist clenched in anger o hell you would.. "No you will not see me anymore Mr. Kapoor." I gritted my teeth in anger, "Nandani.." he called and I turned around to see his confused face, "You will receive my resignation letter by evening, I quit.." And I couldn't miss the expression of each and every face present there. Pure shock and horror. "Nan.." And before he could finish I ran away from there. I had make up my mind and it was for the best.


Nandani has quit her Job, she was going to pass me the fucking resignation letter and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I was relieved when the meeting with her family went really well. They all believed my words and didn't seemed very angry one. But the only one for whom I was doing all this was angry and not even angry she was raging Mad. I entered inside my office and could see everyone busy in gossiping and I very well knew what was the topic.

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