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Clair's pov:
After they have shown me around the house I am in astonishment! It's so homey and warm while it all is so open with those big windows everywhere. The view of the near by trees is absolutely breathtaking and i can feel my fingers start to itch with the need to draw them. When Jasper takes my hand in his with a worried face, i am confused on what makes him worry. I thought this has been going really well so far?
„Is everything ok Jasper?" I ask him softly as I lay my free hand on his cheek in hope to comfort him. His eyes soften and his head nuzzles my hand lovingly. I might hear thinks again but I am pretty sure I hear a deep purr come from his chest.
„Everything is fine Princess. I am just a bit insecure what you might think of my room. It's very different to the others." he says in explanation on why he is so worried. An encouraging smile builds on my face, finding his behavior very sweet. Just as it has been this whole day. After we have been staring in one another's eyes for quit some time he nods his head before he opens his bedroom door to let me in. I however keep my eyes on his face, waiting for him to allow me in. It after all is his room and I understand that it's a very private place. We only met just this day, so I also will understand it if he won't show me his room right away. His hand slowly caresses down my body before it stops on my lower back.
„Come on in." he whispers shyly and leads me into his room. At seeing two and a half walls full with books I squeal in excitement. I swear my room would look just like his if my mom wouldn't allow me to have a small library at every houses we stay in.
„You like it?" he questions hopeful. To which I right away nod my head in reply.
„May i?" i ask and point to one of the many book shelves. The books all look pretty worn and must of gotten read pretty often.
„Of Course, go ahead." he says with a bright smile. Seemingly much more confident now that he knows that I like his room that much. Softly I let my fingers wander over the many books before stopping on a very old and thick one. Turning my head slightly towards him with a questioning smile, wanting to know what this book is about since I never have seen one of those. At least not that I could remember.
„It's a very old book that holds myths and facts about those beings written about." Jasper explains with air quotes at the word facts as I listen carefully to all he says.
„This one here is one of my favorites." he says and takes the book next to the one I just asked him about. Seeing the title I smile broadly.
„That's one of my favorites too. It's really well written and it always makes me feel like I am back in the 1940." I say and see his eyes widen in surprise I know this book as well.
„Really? I never met someone who even knows the book not even mention like it." he says sounding rather confused but also really happy that we have something in common. Slowly I wander around the room and stop at various different books that look very familiar or interesting to which Jasper always offers some explanations too. At first I don't even realize that Carlisle also got back, but as he asks if we finished the tour around their house already, I turn towards him with a wide smile. Happy that he is back with us now again, my smile widens as I see him leaning on the doorway. Looking all sexy, not that I will say that. His smile widens slightly as our eyes lock on each other again.
„We Did and I have to complement you on your home. It's so homey and beautiful. All those windows make it feel like we are out in the woods and not in a house." I softly complement him on their beautiful home. At hearing this he takes two quick steps towards me and pulls me into his hard chest. What surprises me even more than his tight hug is that he kisses my forehead lovingly, just as Jasper and Emmet have done throughout the day. Of course I right away blush at his show of affection. Only before remembering that the three brothers also are still there, watching the closeness between their dad or older brother and I. At that thought I quickly take a few steps back, not wanting them to be mad at me for hugging someone else. Then again they haven't had any problem with Edwards closeness and touchiness nor with Emmet's kiss or with all the sweet touches from Jasper. When I slowly look around the room I only see them watching me curiously but none of them looks to be mad at me. Ugh, this is all so damn confusing. How is it even possible to feel this much for four different people all at once. And how comes that whenever one of them isn't near me I feel lost and as if a part of myself is missing.
„Princess? What's the matter?" Jasper asks me and slowly as if afraid that I might bolt comes closer towards me. When I was within arms reach, he pulls me into his chest and softly caresses my back. My eyes already filling with tears from confusion and the fear that I get crazy or even worse hurt those four man that already have a special place in my heart.
„Shh, everything is fine princess." he keeps on whispering. Softly swaying us side to side which does help to sooth me at least a little bit.
„Love? Hey, please tell me what happened? I don't like to see you like this." Emmet says with so much worry that it makes me feel even more guilty. Why are they even so nice to me and don't care that I am this close with all of them.
„Maybe we should explain everything! It's obvious she is overwhelmed and unsure of what she is feeling." Edward says quietly and I instinctively curl into myself some more. They know! They know that I feel like this for all of them. I am such a whore! This Isabella girl was right.
„Stop! I won't tolerate you torturing yourself!" Jasper suddenly growls lowly and looks me straight in the eyes as he says it. My eyes surely are extremely wide with slight fear how he knows that as well as the impossibly fast way he has been moving us right now.
„We will explain everything to you, I promise we will. But for now you need to understand that we don't care that you feel the same way about all four of us. You will completely understand after we talked." Jasper adds after he kisses my forehead lovingly yet again. His sentence only confuses me even more. How can they not care? Isn't that not like cheating? I mean none of us are dating, but still it's strange that they don't care.
„Please calm down darling. Everything will be alright." Edward says softly. Carlisle also walks closer to us and softly wipes some of my tears off of my cheeks.
„You will see my precious little angel, everything will make sense in no time. Why don't we go and sit down in my office so we can explain." he says and the pet name he called me makes me feel all warm. Maybe they really can explain some things. I at least would like to know why I feel that much for them even though we only dust met today.

The Cullen boys human mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें