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Clair's pov:
It didn't take us long at all before Edward parked on the hospital parking lot. Hearing him Mutter under his breath how he hates to stay somewhere this far away from the entry reminds me of the first time seeing him. Back than he was pretty annoyed that I took his spot but he quickly changed his attitude. Of course I now know it was because I am his mate, but it still makes me smile at my first encounter with those three.
„What got you so smiley?" Emmet questions me with a curios yet happy tone. His face also brightens as I direct my full attention on him.
„Nothing special. Only remembered how Edward tried to bully me from your guys parking spot at school." I answer him and instantly hear their chuckles that make me smile even wider. It feels lovely to get them so happy and their laughs and chuckles make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
„I didn't meant to bully you thought." Edward softly says. Still with a smile on my lips I lean forward to peck his lips once.
„I know. But I still love that memory. It after all was the first time I spoke to you and the moment I met you guys." I quietly explain. His face brightens right up at that and he quickly pulls me into a kiss yet again.
„If you put it like that, I do love that memory too!" he answers me with love shining in his eyes. A sudden knock on the window makes us all look up. Emmet who is sitting in the back with me hurriedly grabs me to put me behind himself as to shield me from any possible danger. They also all were growling threateningly. That however stops just as sudden as it started as they seem to recognize who has knocked.
„Marcus! We weren't expecting you so soon!" Edward says in respect and gets out of the car. The other two follow his movement so without too much thought I follow them as well. A young girl with bright red eyes smiles at me.
„You must be Clair. It's nice to meet you!" she says with a bell like voice that strangely suits her really well. Since I don't want to be impolite, I smile right back at her and the strangely similar looking boy standing next to her.
„Nice to meet you too. Even though I have no idea who you guys are." I reply with an unsure smile. Not knowing if it's safe to even talk to them or not.
„I am Alec and that's my twin sister Jane. We belong to the Volturi coven." the boy says with a welcoming smile. Feeling better to know at least their names as well as the knowledge that they are Vampires too. My mates have been telling me about the Volturi's and they also informed me on how they are coming to visit us since they want to get to know me.
„Love? I want to introduce you to one of our Kings." Emmet says and takes my hand in his after bowing slightly to the two young vampires. Before he could fully move me towards the other side though I once more smile at them, liking them already. They after all were nice to me, not mean like others tend to be.
„Oh my god!" I hear the man whisper in shock and awh all together. When I fully look at him though I as well gasp. This is the man I have been dreaming about. The one that called me his daughter and little one! The one that held my mom lovingly in his strong arms. Seeing his eyes tear up slightly, I without much thought hug him softly. The others inhale deeply at my unpredicted move, but the man only hugs me right back into his hard yet comfy chest.
„You have no idea how happy I am that I have found you!" he mumbles close to my ear while his chest vibrates with his deep purrs.
„Nice to meet you to. I strangely enough dreamed about you." I quietly whisper back while nuzzling my head into his chest. Something about him soothes me and makes me feel all safe. The only reply I get is a soft kiss to my forehead as well as the fact his purrs get even louder.
„Why are you guys even here? Did you hurt yourself little one." the man, asks me suddenly extremely worried it seems.
„I thought you were looking after your mate!" He accusingly asks my mates while he holds me softly against his chest. The dark growls from my mates frighten me slightly, not knowing what is going on right now.
„Of course we look after our mate! We just came to see her mother since we had a situation at school." Jasper answers him matter of factly while sending waves of calmness towards me, which luckily helps me slowly.
„Jasper is right. They always look out for me." I softly say and get a wide smile from all my mates as well as the man who is still cuddling me into his chest. Much to my mates irritation I would say.
„That's Good to hear little one. Still I would like to know what situation you guys had back at school." he says while caressing my cheek lovingly. A frown quickly forms on my face, not wanting to talk about that creepy teacher.
„A teacher thought it's appropriate to lust after our mate. He also eye raped her constantly so we made sure to step in and get the headmaster involved. After explaining the situation he told us to get Clair home and stay by her side since her mom is still at work here. That's also why we brought her here." Edward explains instead of me. I could feel all of their eyes on me, but I keep my face hidden the best I could.
„He dared to do that to MY daughter!?" the man nearly roars. The loudness makes me flinch a little. He also seems to realize that since he apologizes right afterwards.
„Let's talk about it later Marcus. We should go and see our loves mom now." Emmet says and gets a nod in reply from the man. He has called me his daughter here in real life too. It is confusing but it feels soo incredible right so I definitely won't say anything about it.
„Ready to go to your mom princess?" Jasper questions. Slowly I untangle myself out of Marcus? Arms and run to Jasper. Wanting to see my mom now. Maybe Marcus can also come along? This way they could meet and then they hopefully become as happy as they have been in my dream!

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