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Janes pov:
Alec and I have been slightly nervous as we heard that someone yet again thinks they have found Marcus mate. He really deserves to be finally happy, but till now those calls only ever ended with him becoming even more depressed and lonely. So my brother and i were extremely relieved that Aro once again demanded us to go with him. He also informed us about the real reason why he always tends to send us along with his brother. It's not because we are the supposed strongest guards, but because he read in his brothers mind how much he cares for us. So he simply hopes that we will be able to talk him out of committing suicid when those hopes of his get crushed again. We however have always respected the wish from Marcus to be alone after finding out it was false alarm. Of course we kept him in our eye sight but we did give him enough room to grief on his own.
„Are you Ready sister?" Alec asks me after entering my room with his small bag in his hand. As his eyes fall on my similar one he smiles lovingly at me.
„Guess we had the same thought then." he says with a low chuckle while my head is still swimming in worry for my favorite master. Marcus however is more than just a master, he kind of took us into his family and always made sure that we are well taken care off and safe. He also is adamant of stopping us from calling him master, but it is a habit that is really hard to get broken. Shaking my head a bit to get out of my mind. Now is not the time to dwell on anything. Our wonderful Marcus needs our assistance so we will do our very best like always. It's the least we could do for him!
„Hopefully this time we truly find his mate. I just know how much this has been hurting him." I softly tell my brother who quickly pulls me into a comforting hug.
„I know sister. We can only hope and be there for him. Sadly!" he answers in sorrow as well. Since we however have been gone for pretty long already, we stopped our talk for now and instead quickly make our way towards the throne room. We after all can't risk someone else to get sent along with him since we were taking too long.
„You two hopefully know to keep our brother safe." Aro quietly says to us to which we right away nod our heads in understanding.
„Also don't forget to call us if something should happen, no matter which way the news might go. Hopefully we finally get lucky and our brother will become happy." Caius softly instructs. Also making sure that no one other than the three of us will hear him. So we yet again nod our heads. Only a few seconds later Marcus enters the room to say his goodbyes to his brothers. He like always nods at us in appreciation that we are the ones coming with him before we walk outside to run to Forks. Please, if there is a god out there, then please let him find his mate today! He really deserves it more than anyone I know. After all those years he has been looking for her it's time for his happy ever after.
When we did arrive in Forks we straight away run to the hospital since that's where she should currently be at. To our luck it seems that three of the Cullens also got here to meet up with Carlisle, at least that's what we are assuming since there shouldn't be another reason for them to be here right now.
As Marcus talks with the three boys, I see a small movement coming from the back seat. So with a small nod towards my brother we move to investigate what is going on. Of course we are assuming it's their mate, but better safe than sorry. But as we meet eyes with this tiny girl Alec and I both smile at her welcoming. She seems rather surprised that we in fact know her name already and also who she is, but she quickly overcomes it and smiles at us as well. This is extremely strange for us since usually everyone always is afraid of us or simply ignores us. So it is in fact a nice difference! Sadly our conversation was cut short since Emmet came over to get her to introduce her to Marcus now. Cute as she however is she smiles at us once more and even waves slightly at us. And just like that my brother and I both know that we will protect her to the best of our abilities. She is way too sweet to let anything bad happen to her. What no one of us thought was expecting, is for this tiny girl to go running towards Marcus to hug him tightly like she knows him since forever. Slowly the puzzle pieces start to put themselves together in all our heads as we realize that he just recognized her as his daughter. This also only confirms our assumption of her mother being his mate. It after all would make way much more sense this way. So after they all cleared up a few misunderstandings they decide to go in to talk with the cuties mother. Since Marcus thought asks us to wait outside, we did. We after all understand that he doesn't want to overwhelm his supposed mate with too many people, as well as with the information they sadly have to deliver to her. Of course we already decided to get our hands on this waste of space later on. No one is allowed to touch this sweet girl that also happens to be Marcus daughter! Just as they enter the building my phone starts to ring. Taking it out of my pocket, already knowing who will be the one calling us anyway.
„Master." i quickly say after answering the call.
„Jane, did you guys figure already out if it is in fact our dear brothers mate?" Aro asks me hopeful yet sad. Seemingly already thinking that it yet again was false alarm.
„We didn't just yet. It however does in fact look a lot like we finally were able to find his mate!" i say. Sounding way more hopeful than I planned on, but I am just so unbelievable grateful that Marcus at least found his daughter! So no matter if this woman in there is his true mate or not, he certainly won't be alone any longer!
„Wait! What? How did you mean that?" he wants to know suddenly really excited. Caius also sounds happier in the background than usual. Not really knowing how to explain everything we just found out I look questioning towards Alec for help.
„Shortly after we got here we saw the three Cullen boys enter the hospital parking lot as well, so of course we walked up to them. Along with them though was their mate, Clair, which is a really sweet girl if I may say so myself." Alec slowly starts to explain and we both know how our other two masters are surely looking right now. Both sitting close around the phone in the middle of them, while they hold their breaths in anticipation and their eyes wide with hope for good news.
„Master Marcus right away saw the bond between said girl and himself. It seems like he has found himself a daughter." Alec ends the explanation as two loud cheerful screams come through to phone. Making my brother and I smile at their antics.
„There sadly has been a situation back at school, which also was the original reason for the Cullens and Clair to come to visit her mother. Master Marcus has asked us to wait outside to not overwhelm the mother of his daughter. Which we all hope is his mate. So we are still waiting to hear back from him or the Cullens." I end the last bit that we know. I however decided on not telling them about this creep of a teacher right now. This is a conversation they should have with Marcus as the father or the Cullens as Clair's mates.
„That's amazing!!! I am so happy! Please inform us right away when you guys get word from either of them!" Aro says sounding extremely relieved as well as happy for the fact that his brother no longer will be so lonely.
„Wait a second. What was the situation they had at school?" Caius asks suspiciously, it after all isn't like us at all to hold any information back. Biting my lip in thought of how to not answer him and on that one thought. It simply isn't our place to tell, nor do I feel comfortable to tell the cuties story without her allowance.
„We are Sorry Masters, but that is something your brother needs to tell you. Or at least the Cullens as Clair's mate. We don't want to go behind their backs. Just know that they dealt with it. And that we will end it for sure." Alec yet again came to my aid. Hearing a few quick whispered words make us slightly uncomfortable.
„That's understandable. Just call us as soon as you find out something new. And please tell our brother to call us when he gets back to you." aro says calmly which makes us sigh in relief that he didn't make us spill everything.

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