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Emmets pov:
After we all said our goodbyes and I love you's, we left our wonderful mate. Not too happy to part with her, but we understood that her family wants her to themselves for some time. This also gives us some more time to shop some little things for our loves birthday before we decorate our house some more. Only If Alice allows us to even help. She as well as Rosalie and Esme have been planning the decorations for a few days now. And as far as they told us, it's going to look incredible. Which I truly hope since only the best is good enough for our lovely mate. She deserves the world, even if she doesn't want it. We will forever make sure to shower her in our love and gifts, just as she deserves!
„So, who bought their gifts for our darling already?" Edward asks as we got out of her house. All of us still slightly down for leaving her. We after all don't want her to have another nightmare or even worse another bad vision! Thankfully Alec and Jane volunteered to stay with her during the night. And even if we never had that much to do with them, we all are over the moon happy that they get along so incredibly good with our mate! They see each other as their family, and it's good to see the two of them coming out of their shells more and more. We also have been getting along rather well with them. Which to be honest I never thought we ever would, but now we finally see their true self's and it's kind of impossible to not like them. They are so sweet and caring! It's a shame that we never saw that beforehand. But Better late than never, I guess.
„Don't forget that we promised our precious little angel to only by one gift each for her." Carlisle reminds Edward as well as all of us. So we all nod our heads at him with a heavy sigh. Sadly we did agree on that, otherwise Clair would of been pretty mad at us, which is an absolute no go. One gift each is better than only one all together. At least that's how I try to see it, still slightly down that I can't gift my love the entire world. But that's what she wanted, so we will do so. Still i found a way to at least add a few small things to my present.
„I bought a few things." I slowly start and get a few irritated looks from my brothers.
„We promised her Emmet! I understand that you as well as we want to gift her everything but our princess asked us for only one gift!" Jasper softly reminds me with a chuckle since he knows that I won't listen to them anyway.
„I know. That's why I bought her one birthday present." I say with a beaming smile.
„But that didn't stop me from getting her a few dresses and the two books she has been telling us about the last few days. They don't count as birthday presents though, after all I would of bought them for her anyway!" I tell them with wiggling eyebrows since I still was able to find a way around our promise. Hearing the others laugh makes me join them as well.
„That's a Good tactic! I might steal that one from you. This way I can buy a few more little things." Edward says with excitement. As I said already, we all were slightly down since we wanted to shower her in gifts.
„Sounds fair i Guess. That way we could at least buy her a few small things on top of her real gift." Carlisle says now smirking as well.
„I will get her those shoes she has been looking at as we went out shopping the other day. She thought they were beautiful but she didn't wanted to spend that much money on them." Jasper says in glee that he already has an idea on what to add to his gift. So after a few more words exchanged between us, everyone runs off to get the last minute items for our love! Hopefully she won't be mad at us for that, but than we don't buy anything expensive as she feared. We only add a few things she told us about or we saw her looking at adoringly. My brothers and I also talked about asking her to marry us. At first we thought it would be lovely to do so on her birthday, but then we decided not to. This day should simply be all about her, so we don't want to take that away from her. Instead we might ask her the day after. We all decided on one ring from all of us together instead of buying each one for her. After all it might look strange to give her four rings, it also would be hard to wear them all at once. Alice also appreciated our choice as well as congratulated us on our choice Of ring. Of course she saw it in a vision. She also saw something else in one as well, but she said she won't tell us about it since it's still not one hundred percent certain. Edward simply furrowed his brows on her, definitely trying on finding out what it was she was hiding from us, but Alice has already worked out a good way of shutting him out of her mind throughout all those years living with him. It's pretty easy too she once explained to me with a giggle. She simply thinks about her sexy mates and how they have fun in their bedrooms. After she told me I simply laughed along with her giggles. Only she would think of that. Still, it's a very good strategy since Edward definitely doesn't want to know how they go at it. Especially since Esme is like our mom, and no one wants to see any of those images about their mother! So while the others ran off to buy a few more things, I run back to our house. I after all have everything for my love already.
„Emmet? What are you doing here alone? I thought you guys spend the night with your mate before her family spends some alone time with her in the morning?" Rosalie questions seemingly afraid that something might happened to her new friend. She after all really gets along great with my love. Which is just as rare as for alec and Jane to get along with someone. As mean as that might sound, but the twins always only stayed close with each other and Rosalie also only was close with her mates and us. She always had her guard up around others, which is completely understandable with what had happened to her in her human life.
„No need to worry Rosalie. Emma only asked us if it would be possible to give her the evening and tomorrow morning to themselves, which we do understand. That also gives the others some more time to buy a few more little items for my love. I did tell them after all how I bought a few small things as little add on's to her birthday present." i answer her soothingly which calmed her down right away. The heavy sigh alone lets me know that much.
„That's Good! I really am happy that you guys finally found your mate! And especially that said mate is such a cutie!" she says and hugs me softly before running towards Esme who just opened the front door with a soft smile.
„If you are here you can help us get the last few things ready for your mates birthday!" Alice says from the other side of the garden where she just is about to install ferry lights in the trees. Yes, that's going to look spectacular!!!
„Coming!" i reply with a wide smile. Happy that my loves birthday party will be perfect!

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