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Jaspers pov:
To see my sweet princess talk with the witch twins with a soft smile adoring her face makes me sigh in relief. At first I could feel her fright of what is going on after the knock from Marcus, but that quickly changed. The moment those two introduced themselves to her she started to calm down. And when her eyes fall on one of our Kings, her feelings go completely ballistic. At first she was utterly shocked, than irritated, than surprised and finally unbelievable relieved and happy. To see our king stare in complete disbelief at our mate also was a sight to behold. And as his eyes started to get teary eyed my sweet princess ran towards him for a hug. To my surprise I wasn't even feeling jealous about their closeness. Quit the opposite to be honest. I feel extremely happy for those two who look like they finally found each other even though I don't fully understand! They both seem to feel completely at peace while they hug. I can also feel the protectiveness coming off in waves from Marcus. Not like it is from us, but like a parental fierceness and need to protect. After his outburst of how this low life of a teacher could do that to his daughter we all were shocked. Thinking about it thought it does make sense. If he really is mated to my princess mother, than it's only logical that he sees her as his daughter.
„Ready to see your mom now darling?" Edward softly asks our mate when we reach the entrance of the hospital. Marcus also decided on coming along with us while Alec and Jane promised to wait outside for us. Marcus not only wants to meet his mate but also wants to spend some more time with his newly found daughter. which is rather sweet to see!
„Not really, but I think I will never be." She whispers her reply. So to show her my support I softly squeeze her hand a bit, only to remind her that no matter what I will be there by her side. Forever!
„If you want to wait some more that's fine too my love. We have time." Emmet softly tells her with an unsure expression. Of course we all understand her need to talk with her mom. She also explained to us how she never had any secrets from her and also how she is worried the headmaster will call her before she could talk with her. Still we aren't too sure if this isn't too soon to go through the whole process of explaining to her mother what had happened.
„That's really sweet of you, but I think it's best to get it over and done with as soon as possible." my princess answers my brother with a reassuring smile on her kissable lips.
„You are right Princess." i say with Love. If this is how she wants it to be done than we all should and will accompany her with it. Marcus has been silent this whole time. He only smiles softly at our sweet mate with proudness in his usually hurt eyes. Slowly we start to walk towards the elevator, which to our luck was empty as we stepped in. Clair softly askEd Marcus to press the Third floor button for us. As the door closes I quickly pull her into me some more so I can kiss her lips lovingly. Loving her warm and soft lips on mine. Sadly our sweet kiss ended way too soon since the elevator dinged. Telling us that we have reached our destination. My princess eyes shine slightly dazed and her lips are pulled into a dreamy smile. Yeah, that's exactly how she should look like at all times!
„Come on darling, lets go to find your mom." Edward says with a low chuckle at seeing her still dazed out look while I smile rather proudly. Just as we exited the elevator thought her mother got out of a patients room and straight away saw us standing in the hallway. Her eyes widen in worry and I can feel the panic coming from her more and more the closer she gets to us.
„Clair? Sweetheart!? What happened? Are you ok?" She hurriedly asks after stopping her sprint right in front of her daughter. She quickly pulls her into her chest to hug her as her eyes brim with mortified tears. Her emotions are a whirlwind but the strongest feeling I get from her is how much she loves her daughter. It's easy to figure out that she would do absolutely everything for her!
„I am fine mom. Promise!" my sweet princess soothingly tells her mom as she hugs herself closer into her. Carlisle also sees us at that very moment and comes running towards us as well.
„Boys? What happened?" he demands an answer from us while he eyes our mate with panic. He also quickly nods towards an observing and awh strucked Marcus Who hasn't moved his eyes once off of his mate and daughter.
„We already told you yesterday about the advanced math teacher. He yet again looked at Clair with lust and he also mumbled about How he wants her under himself. So we quickly stepped in and got the headmaster involved." Emmet carefully voices, knowing fully well that our mates mother is listening in as well.
„He did what!?" she growls out furious as she pulls her daughter even closer into herself. While she is fuming that someone would dare look at her daughter like that. And than a teacher to top it of even more!
„we luckily had a bad feeling about him since he already acted strangely yesterday. That's why we took a recording device with us today. This way we had enough evidence to show to the headmaster. He sincerely apologized about it and reassured us that he will fire the teacher." I softly go on with the explanation to which our mates mother nods along. As a sign that she is indeed listening what we are telling her.
„He also said he will give her the day off to relax after the fright and panic she went through. So since we knew that you, as her mother, still have to work we offered to stay with her instead. Clair thought wanted to talk with you before going to our house." Emmet finishes off what had happened till now. Of course leaving out what Edward had found out in the teachers thoughts and what Emmet found in his home! We need to tell Carlisle and Marcus about it later on since we definitely won't let this man off the hook this easily!
„Thank you guys! For stepping in as well for offering to stay with her." Miss Baker thanks us with tears of relief running down her cheeks.
„I also would like to introduce myself. My name is Marcus Volturi. I am a good friend of Carlisle and his family. The boys have called me after they left the school building for advice since Carlisle was still at work." Marcus gallantly says and even kisses his mates hand softly in a form of greeting. Just like her daughter, Miss Baker went beet red, yet her lips have formed a shy smile.
„Nice to meet you Mister Volturi." she softly replies and gets a shake of Marcus head in reply.
„Marcus is perfectly fine. I would like to talk to you about taking some action against that creep of a teacher. I am an attorney after all and i can't let this go by without justice being served." he states. Only now do I see that he is still holding his mates hand in his. His thumb softly caressing her wrist in a comforting manner.
„That, that is really generous of you." she mumbles in surprise that he would offer his help even thought they don't know each other at all. That's however the very least he will do. Knowing Marcus he will serve justice in a way more different way than any human would think. It however is completely understandable! As vampires, there is nothing more important than our mates and our family. 
„We could meet up during your lunch break if you would like? Or tomorrow if you are free?" Marcus boldly asks. It indeed is a very delicate thing to ask your mate because a simply no could start the rejection process which would slowly kill him. She however seems more than just a little intrigued by him, so I honestly have no doubt that she will agree. Her feelings towards him also are getting stronger the longer she talks with her mate.
„During lunch would be fine. That is if you don't mind waiting for an hour?" she asks hopefully. My sweet princess also smiles widely at her mother! Seemingly proud that she agreed to meet Marcus right away! Guess those two are very much alike. After all my princess also went with us without any hesitation!

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