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Clair's pov:
After mom had gotten to know my mates officially I was really relieved that they seem to get along really well! What also made me really happy was that Jane and Alec slowly got out of their shells. It's really great to see them this happy and as energetic around others. Marcus even took me to the side to thank me for making them this happy. He explained how he has never seen them like this and that even though he knows them for over hundreds of years. On one side this information made me really happy but on the other side it made me incredibly sad that they had been lonely and misunderstood for that long.
„Princess? Is everything ok? You have been spacing out pretty often this evening." Jasper asks me with worry. Not wanting him nor any of the others to worry about me, I quickly shake my head to get my focus on the here and now. After all I can't change the past. What I however can definitely do is make sure that from here on out those two feel loved and cared for.
„Everything is perfectly fine Jasper. No need to worry at all!" I softly say and peck his lips lovingly. This gets me a wide smile from him in reply before he pulls me into a tight hug. Sighing happily, this is exactly what I needed after this very eventful evening.
„Aren't you guys a cute couple." mom says with awh. Of course I blush at that statement. So I right away hide my head under Jaspers chin. His deep chuckle make his chest vibrate which soothes me even more. Yeah, this could go on forever! Sadly a knock on the door however ends this comfy atmosphere and position way too soon.
„were you planning on having company over mon amor?" Marcus asks my mom with confusion and sad since we still would be out for dinner if we hadn't taken it to go instead.
„Of Course not Marcus. Was planning to have a wonderful evening with you and my daughter." she softly reply's in assurance and lays his hand on his cheek. Marcus face softens right away as a loving smile forms on it.
„That's Good. I thought you might try to get reed of me already." he says with a low chuckle. Still it was clear that he is extremely relieved that she wasn't trying just that.
„I go and open the door." I quietly say. This way those two could stay coddled up. My mates and I know each other for a bit longer, so I guess I should give them those few minutes more. After all I don't know who is interrupting our family time. Just as i wanted to open the door thought, I get pulled back into Emmets strong chest, while Edward stands in front of us now.
„I open the door for you darling, you guys go back to your mother." Edward softly says but his eyes shine in uncertainty which really worries me. Since I still haven't moved an inch, Emmet simply picked me up and went back to the kitchen where all the vampires look with irritation towards the front door.
„Officer Swan? How may I help you?" I can hear Edward ask interested. His voice thought sounds different than normal, more stern in some way.
„I would of liked to talk with Clair Baker. This is her home, correct?" a deep unknown voice states matter of factly.
„Of Course, come on in. Her whole family as well as mine is back in the kitchen." Edward says and starts to lead the way to us. Marcus has moved mom and I next to him during we listened what they were talking.
„I am sorry to interrupt your family time. But I was looking for my daughter and got informed that Clair has been mobbing her ever since she got here. So I wanted to ask her if she might have anything to do with her absence." the police officer says making me furious that anyone would tell him that I was the mean one.
„Well, you might want to revisit your sources again because it was exactly the other way around! So how dare you come to my family's house and act like my daughter is the bad one in this here when yours has been tormenting mine ever since we moved here?" Marcus asks him in return completely furious. Looking towards my mom makes me hide my laugh since she watches him with adoration and thankfulness.
„And since I am pretty sure that you won't believe me, why don't you call the restaurant Lamour? We were there this evening to eat dinner there. Sadly your precious and oh so innocent daughter pushed MY daughter against the wall and threatened her. Luckily a waiter saw the incident and stepped in. Of course I afterwards talked with the manager and he fired her right on the spot. Since we weren't feeling like staying there afzer what had happened we took our food to go instead and we have been here ever since then." Marcus adds with a roll of his eyes. Obviously knowing that he won this argument without any trouble. The police officer looks stunned and shocked at what he just got told. When his eyes fall on me, I hide slightly afraid of him. He is after all Isabellas father, so what if he is just as mean as his daughter! When he however sighs heavily. I start to realize that he wasn't like her at all.
„Is that true Clair? Did my daughter really bully you?" he asks me sounding honestly devastated that his child would do something like this. Still it seems like he wasn't that surprised that it wasn't the way he got told beforehand.
„She did. She has been bad mouthing me the whole time. Called me a whore and kept on pushing me around." I quietly say while looking him in the eyes. Wanting him to believe me. It after all is the simple truth!
„I apologize for the behavior of my daughter. It seems like she finally has gotten out of control." he honestly apologizes.
„I am sorry too. It surely isn't easy to hear what your daughter has been doing this whole time." I softly say. Truly feeling sorry for the man, he seems like a good police officer and devoted father. But Isabella must of manipulated him with one lie after the other.
„Thank you." he replies with a small smile.
„I also want to apologize once more for interrupting your family time." he says to my parents before he leaves. Edward yet again went after him to close the door behind him again before he ran back to hug me softly.
„Are you ok my love?" Emmet asks me softly to which I simply nod my head. I after all know that this is over now and Isabella also won't be able to hurt me anymore. Janie and Alec have told me that they got her to their dungeon in Italy already. That also was the reason Janie wasn't back at the restaurant when we got out of it. So why shouldn't I be ok?

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