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Clair's pov:
„Wake up wake up sweetheart!" moms voice slowly comes through my foggy dreamy haze.
„Come on Sweetheart! It's your birthday!" she says just as my bed starts to dip. Knowing my mom she surely just jumped on it to wake me up. My mom after all is weird like that. Still you got to love her!
„M awake." I mumble out. My eyes still shut in the hope that I am going to be able to go back to sleep again. Sadly, that definitely won't work.
„Open your eyes Sweetheart or i won't leave!" mom threatens und makes the whole bed shake so I really have to open my eyes. Otherwise she wouldn't stop nor would she leave.
„Ok, ok! I am up." I whine out and rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them. When my eyes thought fall on my over excited mom as well as Marcus, Alec and Janie I squeal. Throwing myself at all of them much to their surprise and my joy. My mates already told me yesterday that my mom asked them to give her the morning time with me alone. To my irritation they agreed to it without any trouble. They simply wished me a wonderful time with my family and told me that this will give them time to buy some last minute things for me. Guess my statement of not needing anything fell on deaf ears. But I wasn't expecting anything else from them. They after all have been telling me that they will buy me something either way. So since I couldn't get them to not buy me anything, I at least was able to make them agree to only buy me one little gift. Each, only because they wouldn't stop bugging me, but I love them way too much to fight over something that silly.
„Did you sleep alright?" Janie ask me since she and Alec stayed the night with me. I told them how I always tend to have nightmares when I sleep on my own, that's why they offered to stay with me.
„I slept really great! Thanks to you two I might add!" I thank them and hug both happily. Hearing their chuckles makes me smile even brighter. It's way too rare that they chuckle. They still are unsure if they can let their guards down when others are around, but slowly and surely we get them there! Hopefully!!
„Always." Alec softly says with a shy smile which makes me guess that he surely would be blushing if he still could.
„What would you like to eat little one?" Marcus questions while he holds my mom with a loving smile. Just like he had in my dream or vision that I had before even meeting him.
„I don't know. Maybe some waffles?" I say in reply. Not caring that much what I eat, never had to be honest. I eat what's there and to my luck mom is an incredible cook, so whatever food I might get it always was delicious.
„Waffles it is than. Any specific fruits on the side?" Marcus says with a chuckle. He always found it funny that I simply eat whatever I get or I quickly cook for myself.
„Strawberries would be incredible." I say with hopeful eyes since I definitely love those! They have always been my favorite fruit and since I made up my mind on getting changed today, I really want to have them once more. Janie and Alec have already explained to me how food will taste extreme yucky after my change. So they and mom promised me to make sure that they will have all of my usual food items here for me today. That's also why I am sure that there are some strawberries in this house for me to enjoy.
„I will right away get to work then. See you later little one, mon amor!" Marcus says and pecks my cheek and moms lips before he leaves for the kitchen.
„So, did you change your mind or are you going to follow through with it?" Janie questions quietly. We of course all know that Marcus could still hear us, but he has no idea what we are talking about. At least as far as I know he doesn't. Nodding my head in reply without any hesitation.
„I thought long and hard about it. It's the right thing to do. So yes, I am absolutely sure about it!" i reply with a smile since I honestly can't wait to be a vampire myself. Than i can spend even more time with my mates and with the others. They after all are the first people that welcomed me with open arms into their family's and that means the world to me.
„That's Great! I can't wait to have even more time to spend with you!" Janie says with a wide smile on her face. Seeing her this happy makes my heart warm all over again. She and her brother are really so precious and only want to get accepted after all the hurt they had to go through.
„Can't wait for that either!" I say and hug her tightly which gets me an excited giggle from her and mom while Alec chuckles as he shakes his head at us.
„Cuddles?" I say and quickly get pulled with Janie along into moms arms who simply looks at alec with an eyebrow raised to get him to join our hug as well.
„I love you guys." I say and hug them even tighter. So after they also all replied the sentiment Marcus calls us since he finished moms and i's food. My assumption is that he also wants to be close to his mate again. Which I completely understand since I miss my mates already dearly. But for now I try to spend some more quality time with my close family. After all I know during the change i am going to miss a few days of their life's. So I definitely want to spend some more time with them before that. They did tell me that I will feel a ton of pain before falling asleep, so I want to treasure the time we have till then even more. All of them, give me after all the courage to go through with it. Since I know for a fact that they will meet me on the other side. The three of them already promised me that they will stay with me during the change until I wake up again. So yeah, I know that I will count on them fully. I after all trust them!

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