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Clair's pov:
As the headmasters door falls shut, I slightly jump in Emmets arms. Still pretty much in a state of panic after what had just happened again.
„Shh, you are fine my love." Emmet softly whispers into my ear while he caresses my back lovingly. Sighing heavily, he is right. As long as I have my mates close by my side I am fine. Taking a few deep breaths seems to do the trick since I slowly can feel myself calm down some more.
„Take a Seat everyone." the headmaster says and makes an inviting arm movement towards the chairs opposite of the slightly bigger one behind the fully packed desk with papers. The three Cullens follow his invite and take a seat, me still in Emmets arms and lap.
„Could you please show me those evidence Miss Weber informed me on. I think it would be best to give our Miss Baker a bit more time to calm down some more." he tells my mates after smiling sadly at my huddled form.
„Of Course." Jasper says and grabs something within his messenger bag. It looks to be some recording device. Why would they have something like this with them? i don't know. But then again I better be thankful that they indeed have that by themselves. Otherwise there would be no way of convincing him to believe us. He after all surely would stand on his teachers side, no matter what we would say! I guess I was so deep in thought that I completely zoned out of the ongoing conversation. This sadly got stopped with a small shake to my body.
„Princess, do you want to go home?" Jasper asks me with worried eyes. Confused on why he asks me to go home, I watch him in irritation.
„After hearing all those records, I decided it only is fair to give you the rest of the day off. I can also only apologize for what Mister Kyger put you through. But I can guarantee you that he will get fired right away. So you won't have to see him ever again." the headmaster answers instead of Jasper. He indeed looks seriously apologetic about what his teacher has done. So I simply nod my head slightly. Still not feeling that great to be honest.
„If it is alright we will drive her home and stay with her. Her mother is the new doctor in the hospital and won't be able to get out before tomorrow morning." Edward states and to my surprise the headmaster quickly nods hid head in agreement.
„That's perfectly fine with me. You guys are on top of all your classes anyway and I also would feel better with the knowledge Miss Baker won't be alone today." he answers him and stands up from his seat, indicating us to do so as well. Emmet however is still holding me in his strong and protective arms. And to be completely honest I am happy about it. With him this close I feel immensely safer than if I would be standing on my own. When we exited the office Angela is already waiting for us outside.
„How did it go?" she asks us and steps towards us right as she sees us with a hopeful expression on her face.
„Good i would say." Emmet answers her still caressing my back, he not once stopped at all doing so.
„To our luck he listened into our records and also what we saw and heard outside of his classroom. That's why he thankfully believed us and asked us to drive Clair back home as well as stay by her side since her mother is still in the hospital." Edward further explains. Angela looks really relieved that we were able to explain our case and also that the evidence was proof enough to make him believe us!
„That's amazing! I really am happy that you were able to do this!" Angela says with honest relief in every word.
„Please also call me if I can help you with anything or you want to talk about what had happened!" she adds straight towards me. And for the first time since I entered the math advanced class, I smile.
„Thank you Angela. That means a lot to me, so thank you!" I reply and see her smiling at me in reply. Shortly after we get out to their car so we can drive back to my place. At least I thought that's what we would be doing, but since they drove in the opposite direction I am guessing we are going to their home instead.
„I do hope you are fine to go to our house instead princess. We wrote Esme and Carlisle what had happened and they wanted us to get you to them instead." Jasper says, surely feeling my confusion on where we are going. Smiling slightly at him in reply.
„Will Carlisle be there too?" I ask hopeful yet unsure that he really would be. He after all told me that he will have to work till after lunch today. Hearing all of their heavy sighs, I already know that my assumption was correct.
„It's fine. I understand that he has to work still. Am more than happy that you could come with me." I add not wanting them to feel sorry for me. Especially since it's not their, nor Carlisle's fault. Thinking about Carlisle also makes me remember that I need to call my mom to tell her about what had happened. This surely won't go by good. She after all is a lioness when it comes to me, her only child. Once she even told me that whoever hurts me or my feelings will regret it greatly.
„Could we maybe drive to the hospital before going to your place? I think it would be best to explain everything to my mom face to face instead of over the phone." i ask them, since I do want to tell her as soon as possible. I after all can't risk the headmaster calling her before I could tell her everything! I also am not too sure what my mates will think about driving to my mom first, but I won't keep that from her. It already is hard enough to hide the fact that I have found myself four mates that happen to be vampires. We never had any secrets from one another, so i surely won't have any more from her than this one. My mates also seem to get how serious i am about it since they quickly turn the car around to drive to the hospital first. Guess I should better start to think about how to voice the situation with my ex teacher to her.

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