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"Y/n" pansy shouted

I woke up scared "what do you want pansy?", "We have potions now come on".

I got up, washed my face, and put my robe

then I got to the great hall to eat breakfast, I looked around to see if I could find Mattheo, but he wasn't there.

I sat on my usual seat with draco, pansy and blaise.

Pansy was chatting with one girl called Astoria Grengrass

I didn't knew her maybe pansy could present her to me one day.

Blaise was drinking pumpkin juice

And draco was busy with his toast.

I got bread, and some orange juice.

while I was eating my mind started thinking of how malfoy changed.

he got taller, his jaw was more defined, and he even stopped puting gel in his hair.

Why I was thinking about that ?

malfoy was just my friend and that's it.

When everyone finished eating the bell rang and we had to go to our classes

my first class was potions with snape, draco had this class too.

Pansy had herbology, and blaise had arithmancy. Some of the classes were optional like astronomy, and some were obligatory like charms.

I got my books, my wand, and headed to potions class

it stayed near to the slytherin common room, in the dungeons.

I chose to seat on the back.

little by little, students came in, and filled the seats.

we had this class with ravenclaws, they were smart people, and very clever.

I talked with two people of this house, luna lovegood, an eccentric person, and cho chang, she was very shy, but at the same time popular.

Draco sat by my side and started talking

"I saw the way you looked at riddle", "what do you mean?" I asked

"well I saw you staring at him" he said

"oh so that means that you were watching me?" I said to provoke him

"n- no of course not, I'm just saying" he said trying to correct himself, I just laughed.

There is only one way of knowing how Snape enters the room

everyone stops talking.

Snape was very rigid with his students, he was grumpy, and most of the students feared him.

I was an exception, I liked him he was tolerant with slytherins, but some of his attitudes I didn't liked, like in last year that I was doing a potion with harry, and Snape was always trying to find some error on his work, even if he was doing everything right.

Snape started his lesson, he was talking about werewolves

I find this topic very interesting, so I was paying attention.

the class finished, and Snape passed a 5 page essay about what we learned on class.

"See you at the library? " draco asked, I nodded.

After potions I had some more classes, then I had 30 minutes for lunch.

I headed to the great hall.

I was passing by an empty corridor, when suddenly I felt a cold hand on my waist.

"Aren't you scared of me?"

A rough voice talked.

"Why you weren't in class?" I changed the subject.

"Answer me"

I turned to look at beautiful hazel eyes

"why I would be scared of you?"

"everyone is" he finally said "I guess I'm not everyone" I responded firmly, and walked away.

I was supposed to go to the great hall for lunch, and then go back to my classes

but after all of this, I needed to think.

It was around 1:30pm, I got to the slytherin common room took off my shoes and I lay down on my bed.

Everyone was having lunch so I had a time for myself.

I started thinking of a lot of things

'why draco was watching me', 'why Mattheo wanted to talk to me' and a lot of other things.

I don't know how much time I spent thinking, I just know that at some point I ended up sleeping.

I woke up around 2:00am in the other day.

I was hungry so I decided to go to the kitchen.

When me and draco were little we used to go to the kitchen late at nigh to get some snacks

the house elf's stayed very content when we got there, and they even asked for us if we wanted more food.

I got up from my bed

I realized that I was still with my robes, but it didn't mattered I just wanted to eat.

I got my shoes, my wand and got to the kitchen.

I was on my way, when I heard something.

My wand was with a spell to glow, so I could see in the dark.

I murmur nox so my wand could turn the bright light down, "lumus" someone's wand light up and I could see who it was.

"What are you doing here miss ribeiro ?"

It was professor Mcgonagall

"um I was just" I was trying to make an excuse but she cut me off

"detention, now go back to your dorm"

"yes professor" I responded and got back to my dorm.

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