malfoy manor

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I couldn't believe I was going to pass a whole month with draco fuckin malfoy.

While I was in the train I stayed thinking of how I could escape,

or even kill myself.

I COULDN'T stay with draco for a whole month, principally when my birthday was on the vacations.

After he made everything that he did during classes I didn't wanted to look at his frickin face.

I didn't knew what task exactly my parents were completing, I just hoped it would be quick.

The train whistle, and stopped.

It was time to go.

I got my trunk, along with draco.

I huffed really loud so he could hear, and leaved.

I followed Draco to a place away, where his mom was waiting.

"Draco" she looked at him happy, and hugged him

It was clear that he was uncomfortable,

But still hugged his mom.

"Oh dear" she said looking at me

"how beautiful you are"

"thank you" I said smiling to Narcissa

she was a good person, Lucius didn't deserved her at all.

We went to a fireplace, got the floo powder, "malfoy manor" the three of us said together clearly.

The train setting around us changed rapidly to a well cared garden.

It was way better than apparition.

We got transported to the gate of the malfoy manor

Both sides where a really well cared grass,

with some carefully placed white flowers.

It had two statues of peacocks at the entrance.

It was beautiful.

I didn't remembered all of this beauty when I came here when I was young.

"We should enter right " narcissa said laughing a bit.

The gate opened and we entered, the gardens were enormous, I remembered me and draco with five years running while our parents were talking,

we had too much fun,

I kinda missed it.

We followed a path, to the actual entrance of the manor.

It had a giant white door, the windows were big, with dark curtains, it even had a little fountain. The outside walls were a light gray.

We entered the hall, everything was ginormous.

"Draco show y/n where she will stay please" narcissa said calmly to draco

"yes mum" he muttered, but gave a little smirk under his breath.

I followed him to the second floor, there were so many doors.

we entered in a mini hall, and the last door was the one that I was going to stay.

Draco opened the door, and said that I was going to stay there, the room was big, it had one big wide window, covered with a dark gray curtain, the floor was a clear wood, in the middle was a bed,


the sheets were white, the pillows gave a contrast with the sheets because they were matching with the curtains, the carpet was true white, and there were some landscapes frames.

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