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The days passed pretty normal. And quiet. Except for the twins, and their pranks. That mostly I participated, but of course that no one knew.

Or they knew but just ignored.

I couldn't believe that I was going to 6th year of hogwarts.

I already had 16 years.

Most of my friends were one year older than me, because of my birthday.

I just had one more year to go.

It was the last week before the classes.

The grades of the OWLs were supposed to come today, but it was already late, and I still hadn't received.

I was concerned.

I needed to have an excellent grade. It would define my future. I was missing theo too. The last time that I saw him was when I went to his house.

I was eating dinner at the table, when I heard an owl chipping.

I looked to the window, and it was a black owl, with lots of letters tied in it's leg.

Molly got up from her seat to get the letters.

She opened one of them and announced happily, "oh the scores are here",

Then she gave each one of us our respective letters. "Thank you" I said, while she gave me the letter.

I looked to the letter, it was white, with a purple stamp.

The stamp had a relief written 'ministry of magic'.

At the back had my name, along with the address. That was molly's house, now that my parents were dead.

The scores were separated by pass marks and fail marks.

Pass marks :

°exceeds expectations

Fail marks :


I opened my letter carefully, and closed my eyes, I unrolled the paper, and read:

Y/n ribeiro

In the school period the students made an exam, OWLs. As you all know it is very important for your future careers. The grades are divided in pass marks, and fail marks. The grades are written under this text.

Divination E
Astronomy O
Defense against the dark arts O
Charms O
herbology E
History of magic E
Potions E
Transfiguration O
Care of magical creatures O


Sincerely Llegamos Biatch, director of the OWLs exams.

Oh my merlin, my grades were incredible.

"What grade do you got ?" Ron asked, "o's and e's, and you ?" I said, "a's, e's and one p", "congratulations" I said, "same he responded.

"And you ginny ?" George asked, "same as ron except the p", "in the total me and george last year had 7 together"

we laughed.

In the total in my OWLs I reached an 8 out of 10. I considered a good grade. I could choose to be an auror or a curer with these grades. I was so happy.

The next day we went to diagon alley to buy our books.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6 by Miranda Goshawk.

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