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The next day I woke up really early

7am I was ready to go to breakfast

"wake up pansy" I said while shaking her "you don' t want to miss class right?" I added

"alright alright I'm going" she said lazily.

Me and pansy got to the great hall "you're going to pay for this y/n" I laughed

she was talking all the way to the great hall of how sleep is important, and how I can't wake her up 7am.

We got to our usual spots "I waited for you three hours, you know what's that?" Draco said angry

"I know draco I'm sorry, I was tired that's it" I forgot that I had to meet with him.

"next time just warn me before I stay three hours waiting for you." He ended.

"alright don't need to be so dramatic malfoy" pansy said.

And then they both started arguing, while they were verbally fighting I felt someone watching me

I looked to the side, and there he was the mysterious dark haired boy, staring at me.

We were just looking at each other for a moment, when then the bell rang and was time to go to class.

I attended to all my classes, and Mattheo didn't attend any of his.

After class I had detention, so I headed my way to there.

professor Mcgonagall was sitting in a chair at the end of the class, correcting some parchments, on her desk.

I looked around and Mattheo was there, probably because he didn't attended to his classes, even voldemort' s son had to go to his classes, Dumbledore valued education a lot.

There were some Gryffindors, and one hufflepuff too. I sat on the back

"alright you will have to write fifty times the phrase that is written on your tables" Mcgonagall said.

I looked down on my desk and there was a piece of parchment written

'I can't go out after curfew'.

I was surprised that the classes that I skipped were passed unnoticeable.

I got my quill and started writing.

After 30 minutes I gave my paper to Mcgonagall and got back to my dorm

while I was leaving mattheo was following me with his eyes.

After some weeks everything went normal, I was attending to all of my classes and taking good grades.

I didn't saw mattheo after the detention.

It had already passed the july break, that I stayed with my parents, and we were almost in christmas.

It was another morning at hogwarts when marcus flint, the slytherin quidditch captain, announced that he needed someone new for beater, and they were having tests to see if they could find someone.

At first I didn't though that I would want to try

but then I remembered that Draco was the slytherin seeker

So if I entered the team I could stay more close to him.

These months malfoy and I weren't talking that much.

The rest of the afternoon I spent training for quidditch.

My father on the break taught me a bit of how to play.

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