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The last day was confusing. I woke up 6:00am.

I was thinking too much.

I got a paper a quill, and started writing.

Dear Mattheo

I talked with Dumbledore and he said that it was ok for us to stay in hogwarts, also I discovered something. Please come back soon as possible.

I miss you
With love y/n

I was kinda angry with him, but I understood his side.

It could turned out to be really badly for me.

I hope he's not mad at me.

I didn't knew how harry would react seeing me again.

Probably he said that I was a proud death eater to his friends, Hermione and ron.

It was monday, the last week of school, before vacations.

I went to my first class,


We learned more about mandrakes, then potions, that we copied some stuff, transfiguration, divination, and by last history of magic. I was going to my class, when I found Draco on the way.

"Hi" I said,

"hey" he said back, with a strange voice,

"what class do you have ?" I asked trying to create a dialogue

"History of magic, and you ?"

"me too, let's go together ?" I offered

he nodded,

and the rest of the walking we stayed silent.

Why he was beeing so cold ?

Maybe he was jealous of theo ?

I don't know.

We entered the classroom, professor binns was already waiting for the students.

He was standing near a closet, it was moving, and making some strange sounds.

I waited along with everyone else.

After two minutes everyone was already there.

"Alright class today we will learn about bogarts, does anyone knows what is their original form ?"

Hermione got her hand up in the air,

"yes miss granger"

"a bogart doesn't have a proper form, it changes according to the worst fear of the person" she said

"Perfect miss granger, 10 points to Gryffindor."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Alright so the spell for the bogart is riddikulus" and he made the wand movement.

We imitated with our wands, then he said that we needed to do a line and he would release the Bogart.

I was the fifth.

First was ron, that was a giant spider, then he said ridikulus, and the spider turned out to have rollers.

Second was neville, that was professor snape, then he did the spell and snape was with neville's grandma's clothes. 

Then padma patil, and her twin, a hufflepuff girl, and then it was me.

I steeped to the front, the bogart that at the moment was a snake, transformed into Mattheo and Draco fighting to death.

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