4th year

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It was another year at hogwarts.

4th year to be precise.

My parents didn't gave me a kiss anymore, now they just waved.

I passed the brick wall just like all the previous years

I didn't even had to look for draco,

he was already at the entrance.

Even if he was far away anyone could see him,

he grew up a lot, and seemed more mature.

"Hi" I said to the blond boy

"hi, how was break?" He asked

"not very good actually, and yours?"

"Yeah not very good too."

Blaise came, and started talking about how his break was incredible.

The train whistle, and we got our trunks, and animals, and got to the compartments.

Pansy came late to the train,

coming with the excuse that her parents forgot the time.

I felt like this time the ride to hogwarts was way longer, and boring.

We arrived at hogwarts, to the great hall. And Dumbledore did his discourse, the new students were selected to their houses,

then he started saying something about the triwizard tournament, I already knew what it was

my parents told me in the break.

filch, the grumpy caretaker of the school entered the great hall running,

He went to the place dumbledore was and whispered something.

After filch got out of the hall, Dumbledore started presenting the students from the school of beauxbatons,

It was the school that maybe in another reality I could have gone to.

Then the students came,

entering the hall making a presentation.

I must admit that their uniforms were much better than ours.

they used a type of hat, and a dress all blue.

in the end of their presentation professor maxime came

she was tall

Even more than Hagrid

she seemed to be a nice person.

When the students found seats Dumbledore started introducing the other school


This school just entered boys, and purebloods.

Nonsense really.

My parents believed in this ideal, but I didn't.

They did a presentation with fire, and then their headmaster, karkaroof came in.

After Dumbledore said

"let the feast begin", and the food appeared on everyone's table.


I got some meat, and rice. Blaise was eating everything that he could see, draco wasn't really eating, and pansy was just chatting,

Like always.

The other day I woke up, and got to charms.

My friends weren't at this class, actually there were just two slytherins me and mattheo, the rest were huflepuffs.

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