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I hugged him with all the emotions that I had.

I didn't wanted him to let go. But unfortunately he did.

We had to have a serious conversation.

After all the shitty things that I've done, I still can't believe how this human being was still with me.

Maybe it was real love.

Draco was still there, just looking awkwardly at us.

I liked him, but theo was different.

I knew draco really liked me, I just don't know.

Two of the boys that I loved were difficult ones.

I don't understand.

If I liked harry, or the twins would be much easier,

It would but it just happens that I fall for the bad guys.

Or I'm just fucked up.

I stayed in the infirmary for the rest of the day, Madam Pomfrey didn't let anyone stay there with me.

But at least at the end of the day I could go back to my dorm.

My chest was still hurting, and was all bandaged.

I kinda lied to Madam Pomfrey, just to go out the fast as possible.

I had lots of things to resolve.

one of them was to get out of that place.


One less problem to be concerned about.

I went to Draco's dorm first. I knew it was him that called theo, and I had to thank him properly.

It was difficult to walk up the stairs, but I did it.

I went to the last dorm of the corridor, and knocked on the door. It opened a second later, with draco without a shirt.

Merlin I loved theo,

but seeing draco without a shirt everytime made me gasp.

I realized I was staring more time than I should, and quickly looked to his face, and started

"um I wanted to thank you for telling theo, it means a lot to me" and then I hugged him.

I could feel his chest muscles, but I stopped myself.

"you know I will always be here for you" he said,

I smiled and gave goodbye to him.

I went to theo's dorm, that was pretty close to Draco's, the only difference is that he didn't had to share.

I wish I had a dorm just for myself.

I knocked on the door, and a voice from inside came "is open"

I turned the silver knob, that was cold, and saw theo seating on his bed, without shirt.

Why ?

Why they had to do this with me ?

Merlin he was better than draco.

His hair was all messy, and he was with his black trousers still, along with his black shoes.

"Y/n I missed you" he said getting up

I smiled and sat on the edge of his bed, while he was putting a white shirt,

I started looking at the floor

Mysterious (mattheo riddle x reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora