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It passed one week, the exams were today.

I passed these whole week studying, and paying attention on classes.

I woke up really early to revise everything that I could.

6:00am I was up studying the theory of every subject.

The classes were suspended so we could revise more.

2:00pm the exams would start.

On the afternoon we would have the writing test, and in the night we would have the practical test.

These would take two days.

I didn't even took my shower at the morning, I was too busy studying.

It was 8:00am, the breakfast was already going to start.

I got my book, and headed to breakfast.

More than half of the students were revising, studying, or just talking about the exams.

I ate my toast not even looking at the people around me.

The rest of the time that I had I spent reading, and revising.

I was ready.

The clock was 1:30pm, I got my quill, and my wand.

You never know when you will need.

All the 5th year students were going to the great hall.

Once the four tables, that were for four houses, were now individual tables.

There were so many.

I couldn't even count.

At the front had a place where the professor would stay, with a table and a chair.

A big clock marking one hour.

We had just one hour to make the exam with more than 5 different subjects.

If I said I wasn't nervous I would be lying.

I never was so nervous in my entire life.

I was almost sweating.

Umbridge was going to apply the test for us.


She gave each of us a quill anti - cheating,

And said for us to choose a seat.

I sat on the back along with Mattheo.

"Alright shall we start?" umbridge asked, with that sarcastic voice.

She used her wand to distribute the exams to all the students.

I started, and read the first question :

1- Incantation for vanishing spell :
A) evanesco
B) expecto patronum
C) aguamenti
D) expeliarmus

I remembered reading this on my transfiguration book. I marked the letter A.

The spell for vanishing is evanesco.

2- principal ingredient for fraught of peace :
A) tears
B) nose hairs
C) gillyweed
D) moonstone

Uh, I remembered reading this on my potions notes.

What was written ?



Of course moonstone. I marked letter D.

3- name the plant that looks like a cactus with boils that squirts out stinksap :

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