♕ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 25 ♕

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Posting cause I completed 40 followers!! 🤯🙊
Hi guys!
Previously: Avu went and had a talk with Rits warning her to stay away from Sid and her gang. After saying that she stormed off. This all was noticed by Sm1.....
Let's continue.
Sm1- I need to tell whatever happened to Re and Sid and also the gang!
Then his phone rang, the caller ID was Vaishu💖
So, Sm1 is Abhi.
Abhi- Oh God! Vaishu is calling I better hurry to class!
He went and saw that the gang (except Avu) are standing in the hallway. He was very confused as the classes started a few mins ago.
Abhi- why are u all standing outside, are u all kicked out?
Fainat, Jaireem and Sid- Actually second year maths lecture is cancelled answer all had maths. So we all are here.
Abhi- And what about u Vaishu?
Vaishu- 3rd year first lecture is also cancelled, only Avu has a class as her first lecture is of English not Maths
Abhi- Good! Actually I needed to talk to u guys
Reem- Let's wait for Avu and then tell us
Abhi- Actually it's about Avu only and I don't want to tell u this in front of her
Sid(panicked)- Why!? What happened, is she fine? Did she get hurt again, should I call the ambulance? Is she kidnapped?? Or...or (before he could continue his blabbering he was cut off by Abhi)
Abhi- STOP! Oh, Romeo hold ur horses, ur Juliet is safe 😏
On hearing this Sid just blushed......
Jaan- Oho, the siddharth nigam is blushing
Reem- That to because of my bestie 😏
Abhi- I would've continued teasing Sid but what I need to tell is really important
Vaish- Ok, come let's go and sit in the canteen
They all leave and sit in the canteen. Abhi starts speaking and tells them each and everything that happened between Avu and Ritika. They all were shocked on seeing her this angry especially Sid. When he finished they saw Avu coming, sid quickly got up and went towards her. When he reached near her, he pulled her into a hug 🤗🤗

 When he reached near her, he pulled her into a hug 🤗🤗

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She was shocked but hugged him back and rubbed his back. While he was smiling and had some tears in his eyes.
Avu- What happened Sid? Are u fine?
Sid- Thanks so much angel........(realizing what he said)....... I mean Muskaan!
Avu- But why are u saying thanks (she didn't ask him why he called her angel as she could feel a few tear drops on her shoulder)
Sid- Thanks for how u dealt with Ritika, and how u put her down 😢😌
Avu- Sid, u don't have to thank me I did it as I am ur best friend, it's my duty
On saying so she patted from the hug and wiped his tears.
Faisu(fake coughs)- If u guys are done, we are also here 😏
Jai- yeah guys if ur "best friends hug" is done we should do a group hug!
They all do a group hug and appreciate what Avu did. After a few mins Ritika comes near them and says,
Rits- Hi there siddo, forgot me
All stand up when sid stood up and went infront of her. Avu just wanted to take out her gun and kill her there and them but Abhi stopped her. Then Sid started speaking,
Sid- It's Siddharth Nigam for u!! (he said sternly)
Rits- Oh looks like this bitch (referring to Avu) has changed you 😏
Sid(super angry)- Don't u dare say anything about her or u will see the worst of me!!
All were surprised as it was the first time Sid ever shouted 😮😮
Rits- Don't worry I am not done here yet, I will make u regret Mr. Nigam!
Saying that she left. Sidharth let out a deep sigh.
Abhinavi- Let's go home, we all need to cool down
But then Avu's phone rang and she picked it up.
Call Conversation
Brian- Queen in the morning after u left someone left a package outside ur house. We brought it to the den as it had the name as Queen. Please come and open it.
Avu- Ok, I am on my way!
Brian- Ok Queen!
Call Conversation Ends
Avu- Guys u go home, some of my men will bring my bike from repair here and then I have to go to my den.
Gang (except Avu)- Ok!
They all left, while some of Avu's men brought her bike and she also left for her den.
With the gang,
They all reached the mansion and parked their bikes and went inside.
Reem- Don't worry guys Avu will handle Ritika
Jai- yeah but still 😧
Abhi- Don't worry everything will be fine, I trust choti!
Sid- Even I trust angel, don't worry guys 😀
They all went to their respective rooms and freshened up.
Meanwhile with Avu,














Who do u think left the package?
What's in it?
Stay tuned to find out!!
Votes- 35+ votes
Comments- 20+ comments
And 30+ votes on all the previous chapters
Please don't be silent readers as it takes a lot oh hardwork to write chapters 😀😀











Till then,
Bye!! 💕

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