♕ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 43 ♕

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Hi guys!! Did u check the 1st and 2nd chapter of my new book? Anyways let's start the chapter,
Previously: Avu showed her power to Ashi, Bhav scolded all of them especially Ashi. And both Avu and Bhav left for office leaving the group.
Let's continue.
All except Sid and Ashi were looking very guilty, Sid was also somewhat guilty. Ashi was just thinking something deeply.
Abhi- I think we should go, we shouldn't be late on our first day!
All nodded except Vaish,
Vaish- But how will we go?
As soon as she asked this question a maid came up to them and said,
Maid- Excuse me? Sorry to interrupt! But ma'am has arranged 2 vehicles for u just follow me.
She led them to two white cars in front and back of which there were two black cars respectively (as in 4 cars in total), in which the bodyguards were sitting. So in Car1 jaireem and fainat sat and in Car2 abhinavi and Sid and Ashi sat.

In Car1,
Jai- Guys I feel very guilty especially after what happened today! After all she was just like our sister, and after what Bhavesh said I think it was a misunderstanding!
Faisu- Yes, but want can we do now. Avu isn't even looking at us. She didn't have yesterday's dinner or breakfast today!
Jaan- Exactly! How can we even get to know what happened that day! Knowing Avu she definitely knows the truth, but how will we find out!?
Reem- I have known her since childhood, I have seen her in pain, I have seen her crying and begging to end her life! I can't believe that I let her go that day. Even in the morning I could see her eyes were empty like she was living just because she had to not because she wanted to! (she said with tears in her eyes)
Jai- We will bring our old Avu back, I promise Re!
Faisu- But what about Sid?
Jaan- We can't let him know until we get to know the reason and the truth. Now the only question is how?

In Car2,
Sid was driving, Ashi was on the passenger seat and Abhinavi were on the back. Ashi was texting someone, Sid was driving but his mind was somewhere else and Abhinavi were whispering something to each other.
Abhi- I want my choti, my avneetay back! (he said guilt clearly visible in his voice)
Vaish- Me too. She has changed so much she is even more dangerous and cold than she was when we first met her! I still remember the time she was so happy when she finally got us as her family!
Abhi- Yeah! Then she lost khalla and then all of us. But I am really thankful to Bhavesh as atleast someone was there for our Avu!
Vaish- Hmm......
Like this they kept on talking until they reached office.
They all went inside and found Bhavesh waiting for them there. He saw them and without saying a word directed them to two large cabins. He told Abhinavi and Sid in one cabin and the rest in one.

With Avu,
She was very angry and drove to her den! She entered her torture room and saw one of the men who had attacked the club last night tied to a chair.
Avu- Who sent u!?
Man- Why will I tell u!?
Avu- IF U LOVE UR LIFE THEN U WILL TELL ME!! (She said as she stabbed a knife on his thigh)
The man screamed in pain, but he didn't tell anything. So Avu got hot water and she poured it on him. His skin got burn marks. She continued to torture him until he gave up and said,
Man- Wait, I'll tell u!
Avu stopped and looked him in the eye and nodded looking at him indicating him to continue.
Man- ARJ! He sent us there, he found out that ur close ones are coming here so he sent me to kidnap them!
Avu- Them or her!? (she asked with a smirk)
But the men did not respond as he got unconscious due to the torture.
Avu- Bury him alive, I will pick up the files from AKN industries and then go to RA! (she said to Brian)
She picked up her stuff and then went to RA Industries. At that time lunch was going on. So everyone including the gang was eating but when she entered everyone went silent! The gang heard murmuring and people saying a lot of things,
(A/N: I will use P for people)
P1- Wow ma'am is late today! This is the first time!
P2- I think she runs another company too but it could be just a rumor!
P3- Yeah, but she isn't that bad I heard she rarely fires employees unless they really do something bad!

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