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Ravishing vague lights spread around the city as it perfectly fits the night sky. The lights that highlight the well-built tall buildings and the vast city.

The city's view was beautiful from up here, our hangout.

The place where we used to stay everytime we have problems going on our houses.

The place where we wind up and talk about each others day.

The place where we go to when we need comfort.

The place where most of our memories lasted and stayed.

We stepped up of the big rock, just sitting there finding comfort.

It's been a while when I last went here.

Having to step up here again brings back memories I tried to bottle up.

Now, just the two of us sitting on the rock's edge, admiring the view as the wind was giving us the chills.

Since we got here, none of us spoke, just us enjoying each other's presence.

2 years for not having each other by our side makes it less awkward and more comfy.

Jay-hyung finally broke the silence. "It's really pretty from up here." He commented which I agreed.

"To be honest, I missed having you around hyung. I missed your warmth and presence. I missed the feeling I feel everytime you're around. I missed the cuddles you give everytime we meet."

I went silent for a while, "But I think I wont be able to forgive myself when I fall for you once again. I feel weak everytime your around and I don't want to be that person again." I admitted.

He shifted in his seat, now facing me with his pleading eyes.

"Jungwon, I know I said something that I can't take back, and all I can think about is rewinding the clock to that moment just before my stupidity took over." I looked at him, my lips slightly frowning.

"I know I messed up big time. I know how you cried and suffered without me. I know how you locked yourself up for almost a month. I know how you blamed yourself, because I did that to. I was also hurt after leaving you but I had to. Please give me another chance and take back those things I have done because I promise I'll give you everything." He continued.

"I-" I cannot answer. I was too shocked. Is he asking me for a second chance?

"Jungwon, will you please give me a second chance to prove myself worthy of that precious heart of yours?"

Shocked. Speechless. Surprised. Dumbfounded.

He was waiting for my response but I was taking too long to answer.

He must have thought that I was going to refuse so he started talking once again.

"I know it's hard to move on and give me a second chance and I truly understand. I just hope for you to-"

"I'll think about it." I cut him off, I felt bad for him but I also wanted him back so I agreed.

"Really?! You're giving me a second chance?" He stood up jumping.

"Thank you." He held my hands then took me in his arms.

And that's when I knew, I instantly melted in his arms.

I can repeat over and over again about how I missed being in his arms.

His scent was the same 2 years ago.

Everything about him was the same from 2 years ago.

But I hope that he would change and really claim my heart back.

No matter what, he was always my love.

A/N: It's Monday! Hope you do well with your classes! Fighting!💜

A SECOND CHANCE|JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now