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The next day.

Exactly 3 hours before the wedding.

Jay sat in the corner of his room, resting his head on his arms.

He still couldn't believe that he was actually getting married with a girl he don't even know.

Under the table, one could clearly see the glistening tears in his eyes directly falling onto the carpet.

He was thinking about Jungwon right now and started to release more tears.

Jay was so madly in love with the younget but he can't have him since he was already getting married.

It is hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone if your still does.

Jungwon was the only boy he loved.

The boy, who made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

The boy who he was comfortable being with.

The boy whom was always there during his ups and downs.

The boy who was his everything.

The boy who was his home.

He just can't accept that he was not the bride of his.

For the second time, he left the poor boy devastated and lacked of his presence.

The tears didn't seem to stop, just like his love for Jungwon.

The door clicked open, it was Taehyung.

"Hyung, you're fast."

"Yup, had to rush everything for this big event." After seeing the boy's look he was concerned.

"Hey, don't cry. You're about to get married."

"With someone I don't even know. How's Jungwon?"

"He's fine perhaps. By the way he's giving you this."

Taehyung handed the item Jungwon was asking him to deliver to Jay.

Jay took it and smiled seeing his favorite snack. It made him tear up again.

Just the memory of the younger, makes him easily weak.

A note was attached, unfolding it. He saw a very long letter which was surprisingly fit despite the tiny paper.


You're special to me.

You're the only one I wouldn't mind losing sleep for.

The only one I could never get tired of talking to.

And the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day.

You're the only one who can make me smile without even trying, bring down my mood without the intention to affect my emotions with every action of yours.

I can't explain with just words hoe much you mean to me, but you're the only one I'm afraid of losing and the one I want to keep in my life.

But now you're getting married with someone that isn't me.

It's fine, as long as you remain happy in there.

I love you, always.


Then the falling of tears, Jay couldn't take the overwhelming agony he's feeling.

Taehyung who just put everything down, approached the younger. Instantly hugging him and telling him comfortinh things.

"Jay, it's alright. Everyone has their own down fall and I'm sure somedag you'd finally get over and let go."

Taehyunh broke the hug and held both thr younger's shoulders. "You're strong I know that. Just be yourself and move on. Life goes on."

The older said before patting him on the right shoulder and leaving to help with the helping of decorations.

Looking at the mirror, he saw how red his eyes was.

Probably from all the crying he did.

He fixed his hair and suit, trying to look presentable despite his frustrated look.

The door clicked open. Looking at the door, Jay saw the girl that was about to be his wife.

"Hi." The girl simply said.

"Hello, shouldn't you be in the other room?"

The girl hugged Jay after seeing his drastic appearance.

"I know how you feel." Then the girl started crying in his arms.

"What?" Confusion filled his thoughts.

"I know you have someone on mind who you wished was the one your marrying and I have one too." The girl croaked.

"Oh." Jay hugged the girl back, understanding her.

They stayed like that, only the bride's sobs were heard.

"May I know who he is?" Jay continued.

"It's a 'she'. I'm lesbian." She simply said still breaking down.

Jay gave her a tight hug, now both of them were crying.

Both were thinking of the ones the love, wishing they were there with them.

After a minute or so, they broke the hug. They both laughed from the awkwardness.

"You're still not dressed. We only have an hour and a half left."

"I have a plan." The girl sneakily said.

Anyways, I'll be updating the last 2 chapters tomorrow.

A SECOND CHANCE|JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now