Chapter 1: Summit of the Four Kings

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Ranad, Rosendun.

6:05 pm. 17th Zelyr, 1092.

A robed traveler walked into the strangely quiet city. The traveler's torn windbreaker and dusty, worn shoes told the tale of a long, arduous journey. A guard at the gate stopped the suspicious person for some routine questions.

"What's your purpose for visiting Ranad?"

"I need to speak to the Hopeful Maggots."

The guard nodded and promptly explained the path to the Hopeful Maggots' headquarters. However, out of goodwill, he added, "I know it's been a long journey, but I suggest you take a bath at the inn and change your clothes. Hundreds apply every day. First impressions are important."

"Thanks for the advice." The traveler candidly gave the guard a few gold coins to express his gratitude. "But I'm in somewhat of a hurry."

The guard pocketed the gold and shook his head as he watched the traveler walk into the city. "What a pity. He's so handsome too. Hope he doesn't end up on the streets."

Meanwhile, the traveler chuckled as he looked at Ranad's streets. "It's only been a year, and it's changed this much?" The tiny village, Ranad, had disappeared, replaced by a busy modern city with paved roads, complex road networks, and thousands of residents.

The residents had eager eyes as they went about their daily routines. Residents and Summoned worked together to achieve various goals, which boosted the city's economy and standing. Furthermore, Ranad was one of two cities located at the Atled Delta's head. Its strategic position made it become a major trading city for fishermen and adventurers who sold rare items found in the Delta.

All of Ranad's recent accomplishments was directly or indirectly caused by the city's gem: the Hopeful Maggots' Headquarters. Many Residents and Summoned traveled to the town to apply for the guild. When they settled down, they needed jobs. So some took to the Delta to search for opportunities, while other less ambitious individuals settled as farmers, fishermen, or handymen for the countless available jobs in the developing city.

The traveler had passed by Ranad once in the last year before he returned home. The broken-down hopeless town he saw then paled far too much to the magnificent city around him.

The traveler adjusted his windbreaker as a cool breeze blew. His identity was still a bit sensitive in these parts. He could not let the wrong person recognize him, or that would cause a lot of unwanted problems.

Fortunately, the traveler did not need to search for long before reaching the Hopeful Maggots' HQ. The guard gave accurate directions, and honestly, no one could miss the grand building. It was the largest building and compound in the entire city, after all.

Like at the city gates, a guard stopped the traveler, mostly because of his inconspicuous, dirty appearance. "Forgive me, sir. May I ask your purpose for this visit?"

'Polite, yet firm. Kashi trained them well.' The traveler smiled in appreciation of the guards' conduct. "I am an old friend of Kashi, your guildmaster. I'm here to see him."

"The guildmaster's friend?" The guard looked at the traveler with skeptical eyes. However, he did not turn the traveler away. "Our guildmaster is currently occupied with a mission. But you may speak with the receptionist. She will tell you the next steps to take if you wish to wait."

The traveler nodded. "Thank you." He walked past the guards and through the gates, wondering why the large garden he passed through was so deserted. Eventually, he walked into the main building, but even the reception hall was empty.

The traveler wondered if the absences had something to do with that 'mission' the guard mentioned. Regardless of his thoughts, he walked up to the reception desk and pressed the bell. It took a few tries, but eventually, a young mertian woman rushed out of a backroom.

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