Chapter 14: Heaven Floor

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"What in the world..." Absalon gaped in astonishment at the carnage in the skies. The drakul swarmed the obviously unprepared wyvern squadron and eliminated them with extreme prejudice. They crushed the wyverns' heads, and shredded their wings, sending the beasts crashing to the ground. It was like the drakul did not permit anyone to share the skies with them. Only one type of race had this level of arrogance.

"Dragons..." Leila murmured as she watched the drakul. They might've been smaller than the wyverns, but they were much more nimble in the sky. Despite just attaining wings, they maneuvered like experts, making it impossible for the wyverns to keep up with their movements. Within a few minutes the wyverns were down to their last few.

"Not yet." Absalon's eyes narrowed. "They still can't use magic." Every dragon could use magic as easily as breathing. This was the main distinction between dragons and the numerous dragon-like creatures. "Probably need one more evolution."

Absalon had watched the drakul for many months. He'd seen enough to know they experienced an evolution when something happened to Kashi. This evolution meant that Kashi had also transformed in some significant way. "Looks like Kashi grabbed something good in there."

Leila issued the faintest of smiles as she glanced at Oni Hill. "As expected. He always find a way to get something out of even the worst situations." She then turned back to the battlefield. "We should have the drakul retreat. The undead will soon retaliate."

Absalon nodded. He understood the importance of recalling troops after completing an objective. It would be too late for regrets if the drakul overextended and got wiped out by a surprise attack. Absalon took out a rink and called, "Good work. Retreat to the wall. The undead will be wary of aerial attacks from now on. That much is enough."

Above the battlefield, a drakul paused after receiving Absalon's orders. Although he wanted to revel in the overwhelming powerful feeling, Kashi stated that Absalon's words were as good as his. So, with a roar, he ordered the drakul to collectively retreat from the battlefield.

Anyway, the drakul had completed their mission. Only a handful of wyverns remained. Leila alone could wipe them out if they dared to approach the walls.

"Awesome!" "Way to go you lizard bastards!" "Nah! They ain't lizards! Those are the drakul. Put some respect on their name!" "Haha you absolute beauts! Well done!"

The drakul were shell-shocked when the wall erupted with cheers upon their return. Some ignorant soldiers used some derogatory terms, but were promptly corrected by the more familiar Rosen soldiers.

In times of war, most people forgot trifling things like races, religion and creed. Enemy attacks did not care for either or these things, so why would any soldier? All that mattered was whether you could trust your back to the person beside you.

Previously, the drakul were a private unit in Absalon's army. Even within his army, they often kept to themselves, and their missions were often different from the rest. This grand battle was the first time they fought hand-in-hand with the other soldiers from Rosen and beyond.

By eliminating the feared wyvern threat, the drakul immediately won the soldiers' hearts.

Absalon smiled when he saw the reactions along the wall. As expected, the fastest way to integrate clashing personalities in any army was to give them a common enemy.

Changing the Rosen citizens' view of the drakul would not be so simple. But, this was a good first step. Especially now that it appeared the drakul had begun to gain independent thought.

"What will you do next?" Absalon's gaze hardened as he looked into the dense forest. The being hidden there was far from done. Absalon could not relax until Kashi completed his mission.

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