Chapter 22: Lightning Judgment

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"As expected of a madman. Flying boats is it?" Absalon's eyes sparkled with unbridled praise as he observed the flying boats floating in Orez. "Imagine the scenes once we arm them all. It will transform the way battles are fought in Destia. No matter the age or location, aerial superiority always spells victory."

"True. But, we won't be arming the flying boats. At the very least, not yet."

Absalon looked at Leila. "Care to explain? Why would you give such a massive advantage?"

"The flying boats will undoubtedly give us a large advantage in this battle, but you must remember that we are fighting a war. A war against all of Destia. We have to look at the big picture."

Absalon chuckled. "Perhaps my age is beginning to slow me down. I cannot see the loss you are wary of. Simplify it for this old man."

Leila's lips twitched and she glanced at Absalon. It was impossible to know Absalon's real age, but his in-game avatar's eyes were sharp and powerful, but also deep and melancholic, possessing the vicissitudes that could only come with time.

Yes, Absalon reminded Leila of her father. In the rare moments when General Adachi let down his guard, his eyes were very similar to Absalon's. Perhaps that was why Leila was always guarded against him.

Leila took a deep breath to sort out her thoughts, and then looked away from Absalon. "The flying boats will be the hallmark of our merchant infiltration into the various countries. As a result, we have to be very careful of their first impression of the world. If the flying boats resemble doomsday machines, it will be all too easy for perceptive leaders to ban them with the people's support."

"However, the leaders' hands will be tied if the first impression is positive." Absalon chuckled as he scratched his beard. "The common people and merchants will push hard to allow flying boats to expand their markets and profit. Even the most perceptive will not wish to anger their constituents without due cause."

Absalon shook his head with mirth in his eyes. "Scary. You show me every day why I should never make an enemy of you."

"The same could be said of you." Leila sighed. "I do not wish to face any army you lead on the battlefield."

"Heh, but I already lost once?"

"That was different. We would not have won if you weren't a competent commander."

Without Absalon's forces' pressure, Kashi's infiltration team would never have been able to isolate and battle the drakul's king.

"So my competence ultimately failed me?" Absalon paused and then corrected himself, "No, on second thought, it saved me? I shudder to think of the Maggots working for another nation. In the end, everything worked out for the best."

Absalon and Leila took a moment, each reminiscing about various things.

After a few minutes of silence, Absalon looked at the almost completed flying boat. "If we want to make a good impression, why don't we go all the way and make the debut something the world will never forget?"

Leila thought about it. "How do you suggest we do that?"

"I might be able to help with that."

Absalon and Leila turned to see Lunette walking towards them, wearing a bright smile.



Lunette's voice crashed onto the battlefield like a tsunami. Torrents of mana exploded from the skyboat, shrouding it in a resplendent glow visible for hundreds of miles.

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