Chapter 21: Transcendent Intervention?

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"Tsk. Undead werewolves. I wondered when we would eventually run into a werewolf. But, certainly not like this." Absalon clucked his tongue as he looked over the undead forces' latest reinforcements.

L.N.E had three types of werewolves, separated by blood purity. The purest werewolves (direct descendants of Lucius' line) retained most of their hume traits after transformation with tufts of fur growing along their back, arms, and legs. Zuri belonged to this category.

The second type was created when Lucius' later descendants infected innocent humes outside their bloodline. These werewolves transformed into bipedal monsters more akin to western werewolf depictions.

Finally, the most diluted bloodlines produce werewolves that transformed into massive wolves whose size rivaled stallions.

The undead army sent out dozens of second-phase and hundreds of third-phase werewolves.

Werewolves were innately resistant to most magic and their undead bodies were also highly resistant to physical damage. Due to these two characteristics, the undead werewolves instantly turned the battle on its head after charging out of the forest.

The drakul did their best to assist the main forces, but the undead army sent out many more aerial units to occupy them.

The diversion allowed the werewolves to approach the walls with ease after shrugging off a majority of the mages and rangers' missiles. Even more frustratingly for the Maggot Coalition, the werewolves easily scaled the walls with their clawed paws.

For the past thirty minutes, the soldiers on the wall had been fighting off these terrible monsters with everything they had. Unfortunately, the wall was so narrow that the bigger werewolves only needed to shrug a little to crush a soldier against the battlements or throw them off.

"Absalon, the dwarfs have completed their mission!"

Absalon ducked under a second-phase werewolf's swipe, and then softly tapped the beast's stomach. A mandala appeared on the undead werewolf's stomach as the general softly whispered, "[Reverse Gravity]"

The mandala pulsed, and the werewolf let out a shocked yelp as it suddenly 'fell upward.' Once it was about ten meters above the ground, an arrow stabbed into its skull and then exploded in a rain of petals.

Only after confirming the werewolf's death did Absalon turn to look at the person who called out to him earlier.

Nyte's eyes held grim determination as he pushed his way through the battling soldiers. A significant portion of his shoulder was missing from a werewolf's vicious bite. It hurt like hell, but Nyte did not bother seeking out a healer because relaying this was most important. "The dwarfs have completed their mission. What do we do?"

Absalon looked at the wall with a clenched jaw. The werewolves had the complete advantage in this close-quarter battle. At the moment, the coalition was using numbers to stifle that advantage, but that would soon change at the rate they were dying.

Absalon could determinedly hold the wall regardless of the sacrifice, but two things held him back. First, he had no guarantee that the werewolves were the undead's trump card. Absalon did not dare underestimate the enemy's commander. More than likely, they had another force waiting to reap the benefits of the thinned coalition.

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Absalon did not seek a pyrrhic victory. This was the soon-to-be Rosen Empire's first official joint exercise. He wanted them to return victorious and proud, thereby sending a warning to the rest of Destia.

Absalon would not permit any unnecessary loss.

With these in mind, Absalon tossed away any baseless pride and announced, "We're retreating to Corridor C. Inform all squad captains. I want a clean retreat. No panic!"

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