Ch. 4

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"Mr. Marshall, is there anyway you could reconsider the whole... detention thing?" I asked as the sensation of butterflies quivered in my stomach.

Joe was supposed to pick me up from school today. If I had detention, he'd surely find out when he'd have to wait an extra hour for me to get out of school. And... How do I explain all of this to him? I mean, was Mr. Marshall right? Was I being prejudice against the kid who picked me up? I didn't mean to... I honestly was scared. This is such an awkward conversation to have with your Giant father.

"I'm afraid there's no way around the detention. You'll report to classroom 5b after sixth period and you'll simply serve one hour of detention. After that, you're off the hook, and hopefully will have learned not to behave in this manner again."

I could feel tears pool in my eyes once again. First period wasn't even over yet, and I'd already gotten into a mess.

Seeming to be affected by my face undoubtedly showing I was on the brink of breaking, Mr. Marshall leaned over his desk and began to speak in a hushed tone, as if we were being watched and he didn't want to be overheard.

"Morgan, I don't doubt that you were scared. This is a harsh reality of growing up on this planet. We as Humans hold on to the idea of being equals, and being the top species on the... food chain, as we were on Earth. It's a hard thing to understand, but as you get older and inhabit space with Giant citizens, the innate inequalities become clear. I don't tell you this so you'll live your life in fear, but you should probably understand that biting a giant while in their hand could have instantaneously resulted in your death. Now, let's get you back to class, shall we?"

Holy Sh#t. Mr. Marshall just dropped A LOT on me. My conversation with Mr. Marshall made me think back on conversations I'd had with my mom about her life on Earth. See, I was born here on the first colony planet of Earth, New Earth, founded a 100-something years ago... Well founded by humans 100-something years ago. The giants were already here. The giants were WAY behind humans when it came to technology and intelligence, or so history books tell us. But, of course, giants had some serious physical advantages over humans.

My mom was born and raised on earth, and only came to New Earth for her job as a scientist. According to my mom, New Earth is much better than Earth. Earth had a lot of violence and wars, and crazy weapons like guns. All of that stuff is illegal on New Earth. After completing her research assignment here on New Earth, my mom decided to stay and make a new life.

Things here on New Earth are 'shifting', or so every adult on the news always says. When humans first founded New Earth, they lived completely separate from Giants- which btw is the name humans gave to this much larger version of humans. On Earth, giants were thought to be myths. So as I was explaining... things are shifting on New Earth, because giants now use technology. Not only that, but giants have basically adopted every cultural element from humans, and are basically the exact same as us... just much much bigger. This is why many humans fear that they no-longer have any of the same advantages over giants that they used to have.

But first... back to class.

I swallowed back any tears that threatened to leave my eyes and followed Mr. Marshall out of his office.

"Miss Morgan, Pleasure to meet you, I'm Principal Howard," greeted the booming voice of a giant male as his fist made a sudden appearance in front of me. Giant's and humans don't shake hands of course... they fist bump. This task is a bit daunting though, when the fist is literally bigger than you.

I quickly put any fear aside and returned the fist bump as I looked up to see the face of the principal. From where Mr. Marshall and I were standing, on the human level, we were basically at the level of Principal Howard's stomach. Craning my neck as I looked up, I returned his greeting, "pleasure to meet you sir."

"I'm excited to see you grow here at Wendelton High! Now there's still 13 minuets left of first period. Mr. Reed, would you take Morgan back to class with you?"

Mr. Reed? Who is that?

Welp, the answer to my mental question came when my eyes found the giant teenager stood behind Principal Howard with a bored expression on his handsome face. OMG did I just say handsome. Not gonna lie in my head though... This guy was HOT with a capital H!

He wore a tight grey t-shirt with dark wash blue jeans. His outfit revealed he certainly had a good amount of muscle for a high schooler! OMG, and his face! First of all, he had light brown skin, almost the exact same shade as mine, but his had more of a red undertone. He had dark facial features, including dark brown full lips, dark dark brown eyes, and thick black eyebrows to match his thick, wavy, black hair that almost reached his shoulders. Looking up at him, I could've sworn I'd seen him before.

"Do you want me to carry her?" asked this mystery tan God of a teenage giant as he gave Principal Howard a nervous look.

Oh Sh#t! I'm the her he's referring to. Oh snap, is he going to carry me?! Only Joe carries me... Well I guess my gram, Joe's mom, has carried me, but that's it. He1l, I even stayed in the hat earlier today to avoid contact.

"Don't be shy Trent. You certainly weren't earlier this morning," Mr. Marshall said to the hot teen, I'm assuming is named Trent.

Trent came over to the human level and bent down slightly casting a massive shadow over Mr. Marshall and I. He reached his hand out slowly until it was on the ground in front of us, palm up... just like Joe does with me. That's how giants are supposed to pick humans up according to Joe. (Unless it was for some other safety issue, Giants are supposed to place their hands out for humans to climb onto, as a way of asking permission)

I swallowed back my discomfort and climbed onto Trent's hand. It was less roomy then Joe's humongous hand, but it was surprisingly less scary than I'd anticipated. In fact, being in a smaller hand then Joe's wasn't so bad.

Slowly, and carefully, Trent brought me up toward his chest, and brought his other hand, which was wrapped in a bandage, close by, which I know from Joe is a habit that can be done for extra safety.

"Trent... Morgan... Get straight to class, and no more trouble today, alright? We are all about harmony in the halls of Wendilton High," said Principal Howard.

This Trent exited the office with me carefully. He then slowly brought his hand, with me in it close to his handsome face and spoke.

"Yo, we're not going back to class."

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