Ch. 50

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Days passed and the level of anxiety in this house only grew. No wonder Trent had been so stressed lately. He's been going through this much longer. My heart ached thinking about the Reed family. My heart ached everyday that passed without Parisa. And now today my heart ached for another reason.

Today marked exactly one year since my mom passed. One entire year since I had to say the ultimate goodbye to her. Looking back on the past year makes it feel like so much time has passed since she did, but at the same time it feels like just yesterday that she was here.

I sat in bed, afraid to let myself feel the weight of this moment. I hadn't even brought this up to Joe all week, for he'd barely left Daria's side, and it just felt weird... And not because he was doing anything weird or something... it just felt selfish to bring up someone we can no longer yearn for when the entire house is holding our breath to know where Parisa is. I guess it's like I'm realizing that mom is gone, and being sad about it isn't going to change it, whereas Parisa isn't necessarily gone... in a way that's harder. My mind wanders to whether she's been sold off to some sicko who's putting her through h3ll whereas, I know that Mom is at peace and resting.

A knock sounded at my door before Joe let himself in. As soon as he saw I was awake he made his way over to my bed with a small tray of breakfast food that I could tell he had prepared. He'd made enough for a family of 5, having been out of practice with his portions now that Daria and I can tag team on human sized meals. I looked down to see all of my moms favorite breakfast foods. The sight made my heart swell.

"I made too much, I know... I think it's easier if I make it in higher quantities somehow. Ha... Um.. how are you doing?"

"I'm okay... How are YOU doing?" I asked, looking up at his face. Joe looked like he hadn't gotten a very good nights sleep. Then again I don't think any of us have been sleeping too well since Parisa went missing... but I can imagine that last night he reflected on this time last year... I know I did.

I dug into the first pancake, proud to see Joe's human cooking had gotten even tastier if that's possible.

"Do you um... Do you know what day today is?" Joe asked.

"Yeah... I can't believe it's been a whole year."

"I know... I wanted to know if you wanted to do something together? No pressure, but I know that there's been a lot of stress all week, but don't think for one second I've forgotten what day it is."

And now the tears came. I cry way too much. Sometimes Joe is just so sweet that I can't help it... plus, I really really miss Mom. And knowing that Joe would even be aware of this while being such a support system for Daria, whom I recognize is going through the absolute most unthinkable circumstance.

"I feel so selfish," I admitted.

"What? Why?"

"Because I know we need to focus on Parisa. A-and I know that Daria has lost her husband and now Parisa is missing, a-and I'm sitting here upset about Mom, who we know is at peace,"

"Yes, but it's okay to miss her. We get emotional because we miss her,"

The two of us sat in mostly silence, until I finally returned to the delicious breakfast, giving Joe the rest of the food, which he ate in all of two bites.

"How do you feel about visiting her tree today? I thought that might be nice... "

"Just you and me?"

"Yeah. I think we can make that happen."

A few hours later Joe and I had finally arrived at our destination. Joe had lectured Jacob for 20 minutes straight before leaving Daria at home with him. Daria actually seemed happy to have Jacob around this week. It gave her someone to put all her mom energy towards. Speaking of mom... We were finally here.

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