Ch. 23

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Despite Joe's protest, Anthony Trust sauntered into the human nursing wing in the school's on campus care, as if he owned the place. Joe, who quite literally owned the place, appeared helpless as the scene unfolded. Despite Joe's objections, Anthony Trust insisted he was going to the human wing to see his son, Aaron, which unfortunately was true. Aaron was in the human nurses office thanks to me,and his Dad did actually go to see him while Mr. Marshall took me to get x-rayed.

The verdict was in, and I had two hairline fractures in my hand, and a sprained wrist. Now that my hand and wrist were properly set, and wrapped up, I made my way toward the exit of the human wing where Mr. Marshall and I ran into Aaron, who was holding ice up to a bandaged nose, and his impeccably dressed and confident father, Anthony Trust.

"Morgan, we've got to stop meeting this way, wouldn't you agree my dear?" Anthony spoke as a sly smile spread across his face. "Come now, I can't be the only one having deja vu?"

Hmm... Deja vu? Why would I be having deja vu right now... but wait... There was something familiar about him. Something familiar about all of this. I'd felt it the moment I saw him. The moment I felt his presence and first saw him back in Principal Howard's office, I just knew I'd met him before. But where? And when?

"Morgan, I wish you a speedy recovery my dear, and I do hope our next reunion doesn't involve a medical wing," Anothony chuckled like he was laughing at a memory.

Wait... Mother Earth!!! It just hit me!!! I remember why he seemed so familiar to me! Years ago, way back when my mom and Joe were still just dating I'd had an allergic reaction and ended up in the hospital. It was back in the human sector we used to live in, and Anothy Trust was there. I don't know why he was there, and I don't recall when he ever arrived, but he was in fact there.

"You knew my mother?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Of course I did. I cared very deeply for your mother, and I miss that woman every moment of every day," Anthony responded with genuine emotion behind his words.

"How did you know her?"

"Your mother and I were like family. A relation you really only get with someone you... create with," Anthony explained with a devious smirk across his face.

"What did you make with her?" I asked, because I couldn't stop myself. I loved hearing any story about Mom now more than ever. Since I'd never be able to make more memories with her, hearing about her past felt like I was getting more time with her somehow.

"Flesh and blood dear, flesh and blood," Anthony replied in his light musical tone.

Flesh and blood? What the heck? I knew my mom was a scientist, so it's not so far off for her to have created something with him I guess. But all I knew about this dude though was that he's a lawyer. A lawyer I should hate right about now. What would Mom have made with a lawyer?

"Were you a scientist?"

"You're so very like her, aren't you? A curious mind I see. Take a good look at me Morgan. I think you are clever enough to figure this out for yourself."

"To figure what out?"

"Just... take a look in the mirror."



I stood in front of my tri-fold mirrors in my bedroom pondering over Anthony Trust's words. He'd told me to take a look in the mirror, so I was doing just that. Staring back at me I saw a cold tired version of myself. My curly thick hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. I had no makeup on, making me look extra young, however my dark brown eyes held the iris's of someone who'd lived through turbulent times. Examining myself, trying to discover a hidden meaning behind Anthony Trust's words, I continued to examine my appearance. Everyone always described me as a spitting image of my mother aside from my skin being a bit lighter than hers. My mom and I had matching curly black hair, matching dark brown eyes, matching heart shaped lips, and were almost exactly the same height! I was but half an inch shorter- which if I'm lucky enough to have another growth spurt, I'd match her perfectly. I searched and searched for an answer or hidden meaning behind Anthony Turst's words, but all I saw was a version of the woman who created me. Created... The same word Anthony had said. What would he have created with my Mom? Wait..... Wait... Oh my heaven! No! It couldn't be! Wait... that can't be. Anthony Trust couldn't be my-

"Morgan, are you okay sweetheart?" Joe asked from behind me. Wow, I hadn't even heard him come in. I was too focused on an impossibility. It just couldn't be. "You're looking pale, do you need to lay down?"

"Um no. No, I was just thinking...Um, is it time for my surprise yet?"

A few hours after we got home Joe asked me to stay in my room for a bit while he prepared a "surprise". Finally Joe asked me to cover my eyes as he carried me out of the room. I was finally placed onto my pedestal in my kitchen attop Joe's giant table. I knew I was in the kitchen because everything around me smelled amazing. Joe instructed me to keep my eyes closed while I heard/felt him sit at his table and scoot in closer.

"Alright, open your eyes," Joe instructed. I opened my eyes in time to see Joe's humongous hand lifting away from me to reveal my human table covered in all human sized food.

My eyes first widened at the enormous stack of what looked to be human sized chocolate chip pancakes, just like my mom used to make! I could tell they're human sized because it's nearly impossible to use giant size chocolate chips and sprinkle them into a human sized pancake. Giant sized chocolate chips are pretty much the same size as a human pancake. But- how did he do this? It's so hard for giants to actually make things human sized with our actual ingredients. Next I saw tiny links of sausage, well tiny really to Joe. It was human sized meat- perfectly cooked from what I could tell. It was always so hard for giants to cook our sized meat so more times than not a giant cooking meat for a human would just cook giant sized meat and give scraps to a human. It's not like a giant's massive hands could work our tiny appliances. Oh and finally I turned into mush when I saw two perfect human-sized eggs, sunny side up, with two pieces of human sized bacon creating a smile underneath the sunny side eyes. My mom always made my eggs and bacon like that. Continuing to stare, I truly teared up when I even saw human sized flecks of pepper atop the eggs, just how I like it! But how? My pepper shaker fits in the palm of MY hand. How could Joe do this?

"Hey, don't cry." Joe pleaded upon seeing my response to his surprise. "I'm sorry, you don't have to eat any of it, I mean I know you wouldn't eat all of that in one sitting, but I just... I know how you and your mom loved breakfast for dinner, these were all your favorite things together, and I've been practicing this for weeks, but this probably wasn't-"

"It's perfect Joe," I spoke through hot tears running down my face.

How had I ever for one moment doubted Joe's love. The amount of care, and attention to detail he took is better than any stupid human dad that didn't even want me. Some stupid human dad who was apparrently availble for an adopted son he didn't create, but not available for that that he- he made. He created.

"Hey, hey, please don't cry. I'm glad you like it. Don't get too happy, you haven't even tasted it yet," Joe went on as he beamed down at me and my surprise.

The weight of my luck consumed me. I was so lucky to have a dad that cared like this. And even though I don't have my mom now, I realized how lucky I am to have had a mom I built memories with. Mom always reminded me that the universe doesn't throw things our way, that we can't handle. Whatever's coming my way, I'm going to get through it. I can do this, I just have to be brave! 

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