Ch. 12

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So, bada5s Morgan, tell us all about being half Giant?" Logan asked as his large blue eyes grew wide with wonder, awaiting my answer.

"Half Giant?" I questioned?

"Dude, she's not half-"

"Trent said your dad's a Giant!" Logan exclaimed with even more excitement on his face.

Trent's thick eyebrows furrowed as if he was in pain from Logan outing him.

"Oh yea, I guess you heard that in detention," I responded looking up at Trent. I could feel my skin get that sensation where clearly I was growing warm around my face and neck, but if someone were to touch me I'd probably actually be cold from nerves. Lucky human me, I'm able to get a really up close look at giants. Looking up at Trent, it appeared he was mirroring my emotion as a hint of red peeked through his already tan skin.

"Do I look like a half-giant?" I asked with a brave confidence that even surprised myself, as I looked into Logan's eyes.

Both Logan and Trent shared a nervous look, before Logan let out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry. Um yea- I mean n-no. I guess you don't really look half-"

"Correct," I said cutting Logan off. Honestly his question wouldn't be so harmful if it didn't lead to me having to explain how Joe married my mom... who is... ugh... yeah... I'm not trying to get emotional today. Unfortunately for poor Logan, he had to meet "Tough Morgan" who puts on a pretty convincing strong front when she needs to push pain away.

"Where in this assignment is the section where we discuss what species we all are?" I asked looking up at the two giants. "According to my human airpad that section does not exist. What do your giant airpads say? Oh wait, I forgot to ask, are you guys giants?"

Trent and Logan looked absolutely shocked. Their shocked expressions made me burst out laughing. How could they look so nervous from little old me?

"You guys should see your faces!" I said, teasing the two.

"Wow- you really had us there Morgan," Logan expressed as he let out another nervous laugh.

Trent's jaw was still clenched and I actually started to feel bad for the guy.

"Hey, um, Trent we're cool," I said up to him, hoping it would help him relax. Luckily it did the trick and the three of us were able to drop the topic of my family and focused on the assignment.

Since we were a group of three we had to get creative with how to divide up the assignment. Once I learned that Logan and Trent had been friends their entire life and had always gone to school together, I focused my presentation on the two of them and they tag teamed to cover me. The assignment mainly focused on what we wanted to do with our education, and what our plans for our future were.

The future... what a concept. I could barely take on looking at a week ahead of me these days. I tend to get so overwhelmed when I think about the future, that Joe will tell me to take it one day at a time. As I imagined what my future would hold, I for whatever reason imagined it with both Trent and Logan in it...

I'd only spoken with Trent and Logan for this hour, but to be honest I certainly talked to them more than any of the humans I met at yesterday's lunch. With Jade around it was easy to fall into a one sided conversation, and undoubtedly the one doing most the talking would most certainly be Jade. Trent and Logan were really cool, and we're interested in hearing about me, as was Jade and the other humans, but Trent and Logan actually listened. It was... nice.


The bell finally sounded signally it was time for us to travel to our next class. This was when Logan put me in an interesting position.

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