Ch. 31

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"Hello dear. Come now, you're safe with me."

Safe... yeah. My sixth sense was telling me I wasn't so safe with Anthony Trust, even if technically he was my... ugh. While It wasn't an ideal situation, I certainly felt that I was better off waiting here for Joe to come get me then going with Anthony Trust.

"I um... I think I'll just stay and go with my dad."

"Your dad? And I suppose you mean Mangello? Right... Morgan, it's the middle of the night, and your options are to stay with a giant who notoriously wants nothing to do with humans, or to come with me, a person who would never bring you harm."

"But, he called my dad already,"

"That's right, he did. He called me, and the man that you call your father, and oh look, he's nowhere to be found. So I'll say it again, Your option is to stay with an anti-human giant, or come with me," Anthony retorted. "Morgan, I always look out for my own," Anthony assured as he reached his hand out to me. As if all sense left my body, I took Anthony Trust's hand, and found myself being lead from behind the radiator, back into the giant kitchen. As we exited, Ben Sharp seemed to stand far back from us, like he didn't want to risk getting near Anthony. The only time he dared step anywhere near us was when he opened the door for us to exit.

Once outside, in the dark night, Anthony led me to a very modern, silver, human sized car. I silently got in, buckled up, and prepared myself to be whisked away with a man whom, despite his last name, I certainly didn't trust.

"Are you hungry dear?"

"No thank you, I'm good," I responded, only to have my stomach rumble at the thought of food.

Anthony chuckled before responding, "No need to lie to me Morgan. We'll stop and get you some food," Anthony insisted.

"No, really, I can just eat at home. I really should get home, Joe is probably-"

"Asleep. Those giants really do sleep like the dead. And well, if Ben has already left a message to Mangello saying you were with him, then you are already in trouble for sneaking out, as is my s... Aaron. So, as far as I'm concerned, you might as well get a free meal you don't have to make, and a long overdue conversation out of it."

"Umm... I guess you're right."

"Of course I am," Anthony replied with a musical laugh to follow.

After who knows how long of a drive, Anthony pulled up to a small diner I'd never anticipated on seeing again. I must have zoned out on the drive here, because I hadn't even realized we were on the human side of town. Being in any 'human only area' always made me nostalgic. It wasn't like I didn't love the part of my life where I lived with my mom and Joe in a mixed area, but I always associated my life in the human part of town, as being simpler days. While much of that is probably attributed to the fact that I was just a kid, with no real worries outside of playing, and having fun, it also takes me back to life where I faced a certain amount of innocence due to the fact that everything in my life was human.

When Mom and I lived in the human part of town, I didn't even know giants existed. I'd occasionally seen some in movies, but I'd never seen one in person. Of course, the first giant I met was Joe, and ultimately that's brought me the best dad I could wish for, but at the same time it also changed my entire perspective on what it meant to be human. Humans raised in human-only sections of New Earth, basically are raised with a mind-set that I suppose people back on Earth still get to have. It's a mindset where you are the majority, the priority, and the people in power. See, back on Earth, they say that people control all the animals on the planet, whether they're bigger or stronger than humans. However on New Earth, Humans couldn't really control Giants. And well, Giants are nothing like animals or creatures of earth. Giants are smart like us. They talk and learn, and have families like us. They're basically humans, only bigger. So yeah, when you really see that you're not, and never will be able to hold a candle to the strength and power of a giant, it can really make you feel small.

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