Ch. 36

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The punch was super helpful for my nerves. I finally felt like I no longer needed to be timid or shy away from the fun of the party. I was bada5s Morgan! Morgan the brave! I was with the cutest boy at this whole party, and things were going great.

"You've certainly relaxed," Trent said as he held me closer to his face so we could make eye contact.

"I love this punch! I think I need more! I'm almost out,"

"Punch? How'd you get punch?"

"Logan! He filled my water bottle!"

"The whole bottle?!" Trent asked in an exasperated tone.

"Yep yep yeppers! And look, I'm all out. I need more,"

"Sh#t Morgan, that's A LOT. Look how small all these cups are for us giants compared to how big your water bottle is to you,"

"I think I need more. It's delicious!"

Trent's eyes grew wide as he held me closer to his chest and weaved through a group of dancing giants to find Logan.

"Dude! You gave her alcohol?!" Trent rumbled to Logan.

"Aww look how smiley she is now. Your welcome bro,"

"Logan, you gave her alcohol meant for giants. And you gave her A LOT of it,"

"Pleeeaase, I didn't give her that much,"

"Dude, look at how big that water bottle is to her. Are you really that careless?"

"I'm all good! Trent, let's dance!" I declared trying to look into Trent's eyes from this awkward angle.

Trent looked down at me and finally returned a smile. "Morgan, we can't really dance..."

"Well you can hold me while you dance,"

"Maybe, let's find something to eat. That'll help," Trent suggested as he carried me indoors to the table that held snacks and of course the infamous punch. None of the snacks were even close to being human sized. Even chips or crackers proved difficult for me to eat. Not that I even cared about eating. I was feeling great thanks to this punch. Trent took me and a plate of snacks over to a coffee table where he sat down criss-crossed in front of me.

"You are too cute drunk. You know that?" Trent rasped as he leaned closer to me.

"You are too cute all the time. I'm so lucky," I replied leaning on Trents hand cradling me.

"Thank you for tonight. I needed to get out of the house... it's been... you know,"

"Yeah. I can only imagine," I answered as two more giants came and sat across from us. One was a giant girl with long blonde hair, and the other I recognized as the giant named Grayson, I'd met earlier.

"Hi Grayson! Oh and hi you. I don't know your name but I'm Morgan,"

The giantess introduced herself to me as Summer.

"So are you guys really dating?" Summer asked, looking over my head at Trent.

"Yep!" I replied.

"And Joe Mangello's really your dad?"


"I feel like that must be crazy having such an intimidating dad?"

"No way! Well... it was pretty scary at first. I'd never met a giant before I met Joe, so that was kind of intimidating. But he's just a big softy. Truly the kindest giant ever,"

"What's the scariest part of having a dad so much bigger than you?" Summer asked, leaning in to hear the hot gossip.

"Well at first everything's scary about having a giant for a dad, but now it's great just like I said. So many humans like to think that just cuz you guys are bigger you are going to hurt us, but that's obviously not the case. I wish every human could have a mixed family, because it truly shows you that we are much more alike than we are different," I explained, feeling proud of my words by the end.

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