Ch. 14

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A few weeks passed and I finally fell into a routine. Instead of walking me to and from school, Joe started dropping me off at the entrance of the human shuttle so I could take the yellow line to school. This gave me some much needed independence and time to bond with my human gal pals like Jade and Monica. My time with Jade and Monica was always full of gossip. Jade always had the 411. Additionally, I spent every other lunch with Trent and Logan. My time with the two giants was always full of fun and laughter. There seemed to be something more developing with Trent, but with us really only getting to talk at lunch with Logan, we hadn't gotten to explore what this more was. Sometimes Aaron would join Logan, Trent, and I at lunch, but other times he would dip to stay at the human table. I really liked Aaron. I liked him as more, just like I liked Trent as more... but it's different. They're both different.

The day Billy Sharp returned to school I was a bit nervous, but luckily he was transferred into a different first hour class so our paths never had to cross. The uneasy tension that used to exist when going to school had diminished. It was still there, but it was easier now.

Over the past weeks I had time to really ponder over everything Aaron had sad about Joe's company FUSE and what it meant for humans. Day after day I started to understand what Aaron had meant about FUSE products making us humans feel handicapped. He1l I even felt handicapped in my own home half the time. Like to even function in my house I had to use escalators, platforms, ladders, ect. If I had human parents... but I don't. Ugh... and I don't need to go down that spiral... I might only have one parent now, but at least it's Joe.

Knock Knock

Someones at our door? They were clearly a giant, I could surmise that from the knock. No use in trying to answer that... It's not like I can open the giant door, I have to use my little door to the right of the giant one when I'm entering without Joe.

"Sarah?" I heard Joe greet this mystery woman rather surprised. That's my cue to sneak over to the door and listen in.

By the time my little legs made it to the door I could hear the two of them rumbling further into the house. Sh#t, I wouldn't be able to hear them as well if they went to the living room or kitchen... Unless... I took advantage of this height thing and scoodled my way in their direction. And scoodle I did.

Joe and this Sarah were sitting in our living room. Joe had offered her water and the two were sitting rather awkwardly across from each other. I crawled under the couch to remain inconspicuous as I listened.

"Sarah, what brings you here?" Joe politely asked.

"How do you live with all these little walkways all over the place." this Sarah replied. Great... I disliked her already.

"You get used to it."

"It must be exhausting though, living with a hum-"

"She has ears you know," Joe retorted in a sharp yet hushed tone cutting this b#tch off.

"Of course. I'm sorry, I'd better get to it. Ben Sharp is speaking with the district parliament tomorrow."

"About what?" Joe asked, agitated.

"Laws regarding co-inhabiting spaces, among other things," Sarah alluded with a sultry tone.

"What is Ben playing at this time?" Joe asked.

"It seems he's still upset over the altercation between your human and his Billy."

Oh snap.... Ben SHARP as is Billy Sharp's father?!

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