Ch. 21

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Trent Reed came to my house. Me, as in Morgan. He came here... to see me!!

I was shocked. First of all, how did he know where I lived? Second of all, why did he come here on a Saturday? I figured we'd see each other at school, especially since I usually sat with Logan and him at lunch on Mondays. But, now here he was, stood in my living room looking as handsome as ever.

He wore a long-sleeve black shirt that was tight around his arms. Don't worry, I didn't mind that part. I liked it very very much. Additionally his dark, almost shoulder length hair was glistening as if he'd recently showered and let it fall naturally. He looked like a walking talking ad for a hip clothing store. Most definitely hot with a capital H!

Wait. Oh sh#t, sh#t, triple sh#t. I looked like a bloody vagabond off the street. I was barefoot with extremely baggy sweatpants that were at least two sizes too big. My shirt was also more of a 'sleep shirt' and was of course bright red with a ladybug on it and the words "love bug" written on it. Then, to top it all off, I hadn't bothered to take my hair out of the braids I slept in, since I was just hanging out with Joe, so I still had semi wet braids in my hair with a purple bandana on top. AHHHH! I was my peek "should never be seen in public" self, and here stood one of the cutest boys I'd ever seen. Not to mention, the boy I shared a kiss with just last night!! Bloody heaven, this was terrible.

I was so wrapped up in my shock and humiliation that I basically blacked out whatever Joe and Trent were saying. Next thing I knew, Joe's hand was in front of me, and Joe was looking down at me with a smirk, and his eyebrows raised. Once sat in Joe's hand, he walked us down the hall, not to my room, or his room, but to Joe's study. His study was where Joe would get work done while at home. It was basically a big silvery metallic room with tablets, and tech gear, and flat screens all over the place. Certainly the most high-tech room in the house.

After dropping me at the human sized table and desk atop his large metallic desk, Joe exited but when he closed the doors I didn't miss that the glass doors slid into place instead of the metal ones. If Joe was walking past the room, he'd surely see straight through the glass now, and know exactly what was going on.

"Cool place you have here," Trent mused as he glanced around the room.

"It's my dad's home office," I answered softly, feeling extremely shy.

"Morgan, I want to apologize to you for last night. I-I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, but with everything going on surrounding last night, I just had to see how you're holding up."

"You're sorry about last night?" I questioned up at Trent, feeling more embarrassed. Of course he's sorry, he probably regrets being dumb enough to kiss me.

"Yeah. Truly, I'm so, so, sorry. Like I don't know what I was thinking,"

"Right. Of course you regret kissing me," I spoke my thoughts aloud.

Trent appeared surprised by my words. He then leaned forward until he was so close to me that I could feel the faint sensation of his breath against me as he spoke in a hushed tone.

"I wasn't speaking clearly. I regret showing up to the dance drunk. Had I known I was actually going to get time with you, I would have known I didn't need the alcohol to feel intoxicated."


"I'd never regret kissing you Morgan! But mother earth, it is not safe for a giant to be drunk around a human. Especially a human they already struggle to keep their hands off of. I mean, I could have really hurt you without even trying last night, and for that I apologize profusely."

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