Chapter 20: Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

At dinner, Dado and Mr Ibraahim asked me about my health. I brushed it off saying it was just a headache and I was perfectly fine now. The dinner went by normally, iceman focused on his food, but as I went upstairs after dinner, I found him just behind me. My cheeks went red just thinking if Dado and Mr Ibraahim saw him. I hadn't said anything to them about our after dinner sessions and they also hadn't suspected anything as they went to their rooms after dinner and maids also never came upstairs after dinner. 

I stopped and turned towards him, when I reached my floor. He was looking at me expectantly, when I didn't move, he titled his head to a side, indicating towards the stairs to his floor. 

"You just said that you are perfectly fine now. Go upstairs" he said, maybe he noticed my need to deny it tonight. But his stern voice left no chances of bargains. I sighed, life was atleast peaceful here now, I didn't want to irritate him and make my life hell now. I went to his room slowly, with him just behind me. The whole time I could feel his eyes on me.

He switched his videogame player tonight, instead of reading a book. He took a seat on the sofa" Have you ever played video games?"he asked me and patted the space beside him for me to sit. I reluctantly went toward the sofa, It was of three people,I sat on the other end keeping as much distance as I could between us. 

"No, I don't play much games"I told him truthfully, I was never the one to play games whether it be outdoors or indoor. He shook his head as if he didn't know what to do with me. 

He handed me a controller and then instructed me about how to play it. It took me a while to get the hang of the game, but it served to take my mind of what happened in the university. I could feel his eyes on me through the whole game, but whenever I looked at him, his head was turned towards the screen. Maybe, It was just my imagination.....

I lost the first game very badly, "Give me some water. "He said still focused on the screen. I stretched my hand towards the table to grab the bottle and the glass, but quickly pulled it back as the hoodie sleeve got up showing my wound. I quickly looked at Saad to see if he saw it, and to my bad luck, I saw his focus on my wrist. 

My heart skipped a beat, I quickly pulled the sleeve even lower. Saad got up, I wasn't even sure if he saw the wounds, but my doubt was proven right when he returned with a medicine box.

He looked at me with a cold look on his face, the look which was icier than usual. Shivers ran down my spine. 

"I cleaned it with water"I muttered looking down.

"You need to apply the ointment....... " He grumbled something to himself at last, I couldn't make out even a single word. 

He sat on his previous place, I was expecting him to hand me the box like last time, but a frown appeared on my forehead when he dampened some cotton with dettol.

"Show me your wrist " he commanded, I bit my lip, the fear was fresh and more raw after what just happened today. 

"I won't touch you" he said looking in my eyes, something in his eyes made me trust him, trust him enough to pull my sleeve up and show him my wrist. My heart beat spiked higher as he wiped the cotton on my wrist softly. I was stiff the whole time he tended to my wound, but at that moment, something built between us. He didn't touch my skin, not even lightly. He fulfilled his words to me. 

He quickly packed the box again and then went to place it on its place. One thing I have noticed in all these days was, he kept everything in order, prim and proper. When he returned, he focused on the game again. I was waiting for him to ask me questions, to scold me, anything.... But he didn't he sent me back to my room as soon as the time was up. 

I spent a long time thinking about what happened in his room, why hadn't he asked any question? "Maybe, he just doesn't care ....." I thought but then he wouldn't have even cleaned my wound if he didn't. Last time, it was his doings, so him making sure I was okay wasn't weird, but this had nothing to do with him.............


Girty motion ki khankhanahat hr koi nhi sunta...
Ye unhi k kaano me gunjti he jo dil me basaaty hon
Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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