Chapter 59: Saad

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Saad's pov:

I let Mirha get ready in peace after she woke up, she was already feeling shy enough. I took out a capri shirt along with shawl for her and placed it on the bed before heading outside. I needed to make a few calls, the sooner it happened the better it was. 

By the time I got free, I found Mirha standing near the stairs rubbing her hands together. She was looking pretty in the deep purple suit and greyish shawl I had chosen for her. 

"No plans of heading downstairs?" my voice made her turn towards me.

"Its already time for lunch, everyone is downstairs.... "I could hear the worries and nervousness in her voice, which wasn't letting her cheeks cool down.

"Its okay, no one is going to think anything. I also woke up late" I caressed her warm cheek softly and then took her downstairs with an arm wrapped around her. 

As expected, everyone acted normal as we ate lunch together. I knew that none of the teasing was going to happen, which normally cousins did on wedding, So I hadn't been worried about all that. It just wasn't liked in our family nor was I that close with my cousins to accept such teasing. 

After lunch, Rabia bi took her leave, as Daneen called Mirha to see the pictures she had taken in her cell last night. 

The next few hours were spent with everyone doing one thing or another. Phupo's family took her leave in the evening, we had just seen them off when my cell binged with the notification. 

Seeing the call on Mirha's cell made me clutch the phone tighter. I called the manager "Send it to the channel from an unknown ID. Make sure the news is telecasted at 9 pm show" I instructed him and ended the call. 


After dinner, Mirha headed towards our room, as I took a seat in the living room, switching the tv on. Dad frowned seeing me sit there. "What's the special occasion. You haven't retired to your room yet" he asked knowing that I liked my privacy.

"You will see"I said streaming the channel I wanted to and looked at the watch. Only a few minutes were left for the show to start. 

"Breaking news! Azib Hussain, the eldest son of Shehzaad Hussain found in a non ethical party with alcohol and girls. You can see the video on your television screens. Yes, its the same Shehzaad hussain who is standing for the seat of MPA in Lahore. Breaking new....."The video of him dancing drunk and touching a girl vulgarly was streaming on the tv repeatedly. A cold smile touched my lips. 

"Its your doing?" Dad asked turning towards me looking surprised. I just shrugged, was he expecting anything less from me?

I took out my cell and messaged Shehzaad hussain.

Its just a trailer, continue with your tries to get closer to her and see what happens next- Saad Ibraahim

I was relaxed as I headed towards my room. I saw that Mirha was already asleep in the bed, a true smile came on my lips. She was definitely tired and not getting enough rest. Question was, if I would be able to let her rest through the whole night. 

I also changed into my night clothes and laid on the bed with my cell in my hand, there was no reply, not that I was expecting any from those losers.

University was opening from the coming Monday, Would Mirha like to spend rest of the days in Murree or somewhere else? I was thinking as Mirha moved closer to me in her sleep..........


Mirha's pov: 

After months, 

My 2nd year of university had started, and Saad was doing his house job in the university's hospital. Saad was still the same but he had changed in some ways too. He didn't spend all the time with books, he spent a good amount of time with me, dado and dad too. 

Even with Saad's house job, things were still smooth with Saad's need for only a few hours of sleep. Even during his night shifts, I got to spend a healthy amount of time with him.

Sometimes, it still felt like a dream for him to love me this much. But with his care every moment, he made me believe his love every time I could even think of doubting him. In our time together, he had already took me to show most of the northern areas of Pakistan. This winter we were planning to visit Sindh. I loved to go on trips with him, having him with me all day, exploring places and making memories.

And thankfully, with time, things had gotten easier for me too. I was leading a normal life with Saad now, where the fear of being touched didn't constrict me all the time, where I had to think before going anywhere. 

I could feel the changes in me too. I didn't feel weak, I had developed confidence in myself. I knew that people would give me space if I demanded it.

All of us were heading towards Rawalpindi, Daneen was getting engaged to the guy she liked from her university tonight. After greeting the family, I headed towards Daneen's room to greet her. She was looking stunning in a lilac dress. She quickly stood up seeing me enter. "Finally! you are here" she exclaimed and I gave her a side hug. I had grown fond of her in this time too. 

"You have chosen a handsome guy" I gave her a teasing smile as she pulled back. 

"What were you expecting?" She asked giving me a naughty smile, making me laugh. We kept talking about one thing or another till it was time to head out for the ceremony. 


Mujhse mithi baten,
shireen alfaz likhy nhi jaty
Mujhy haqeeqt ki talkhian
Or zamany ki sangdili likhny ki adat hogai he......


Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️
Only 1 update is left❤️

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