wolves out of the bag

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I took a seat in my seat in my history class with Paul behind me. It wasn't before long that I felt somebody poking my back. Where it poked me was hot almost burning against my skin. I turned around to see what he wanted.

"Hey Lucy. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"For skipping our date. But something came up."

"What came up?" He looked indecisive  about something. He let out a sigh before saying

"I can't tell you." I jerked my head back. Really? That's all I got. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back around.

It was luch time the next day. I was walking down the hall to head to the my locker to wait for Jake. Whispers were floating around the hall ways and around the whole school about the cult. I really didn't know what to belive. My back was leaning on my locker looking around for Jacob. Kim another friend of mine came up to talk to me.

"Have you noticed how cute Paul and Jared got?" She whispered to me. Paul and Jared were across and down the hall from us. As Kim said that there heads snapped up to look at us. What in the world? Nobody that far away should have heard that.

"Kim you have always like Jared. So you have always thought he was cute." I said winking at her. She hit my arm. I saw as Jared chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wouldn't it just be awesome if I were to date him and you could date Paul?" I widened my eyes at her.

"Ya no way."

"Aww come on why?"

"Because Paul is a jerk, a man hoe, will screw anyone he can, and I already tried that rember. And he ditched me." I said giving the reason and counting on my fingers. I looked up at the two. Paul's face was red and looked like steam was coming out of his ears. Jared was whispering to him. "Ooo ya and rember their in a cult."

With that Paul walked out of the hall way and walked towards the door. He very forcefully opened the door. Jared took off after him muttering something under his breath. I finally saw Jake and we all headed to the lunch room.

The day after I felt the poking again. I was growing very irritated by it. "What?!" I snapped turning around.

"I would really like to explain."

"Then do explan?" I said as if it was the obvious thing.

"But I can't. Please Lucy. Just one more chance." He sounded and looked so sad.

"I'm sorry Paul but no. Not until I know why you ditch me the last time I gave you a chance." I said as i was turning back around.

He looked around the class room before saying "fine meet me at the beach after school." I nodded my head at him.

Paul's prov

"Sam's not going to be happy." Jared said as we walked out of class.

"I know."

"He probley going to make you run protrol."

"I know."

"If you know then why did you tell her that?"

"Because if I didn't she is going to hate me. And I will never get to know her and explan." I snapped at him. I took a deep breath trying to calm down. Jared shook his head at me.

"Your dead." He said slapping me on the shoulder laughing as he walked off. Thanks buddy.

Lucy's prov

I wrapped my jacket closer to my body. The wind was wiping my hair all around. My shoes fell in the sand as I walked towards Paul. "Hey I'm glad you came."

"No bs Paul Lahote now tell me what is going on."

"Ok come on."

"Um where we going?"

"In to the woods."

"Ya no. Haven't you heard of the animal attacks?" I said raising my eyebrows at him.


"Ugh fine." I walked behind him as we walked into the woods. He stopped at a little clearing. I found a stump to sit on.

"Lucy do you rember the legends?"

"The legends that we have had shoved in our head since we were born?" Paul chuckled a little.

"Ya those."

"Then yes." I smiled at him.

"Ok now what are they about."

"They are about how we are decendents from spirt warriors. That turn into wolf's to protect the people from the cold ones."

"Ok now keep that in mind." He shrugged off his jacket and pulled his shirt off. Um weird but I couldn't help my eyes from wondering down his chest and down to his abs. "Like something you see?" Paul said looking at me smiling. I rolled my eyes at him.

His hand then went down to the button on his jeans. My hands flow over my eyes. "What are you doing Paul!" I shrieked.

"Don't worry I'm keeping my underwear on."

"Ooo that makes me feel so much better."

"Just look." He said laughing. I uncovered my eyes. He threw his clothes by me.

"Ok Paul what is going on?"

"I'm going to show you." He back away from me quite a ways. "Ok please don't run away." What a weird thing to say. He started breathing really heavy. His face going red. Before I could blink a huge wolf stood where Paul had stood.

My eyes went wide. "Go. Go away. Get out of here." I said to the wolf. "What the hell? Paul? Paul where did you go?" When I said Paul's name the wolf barked. "You know where Paul is?" He barked again and layed down on the ground. I just sit there looking at the wolf and him looking at me. Before long he grabbed Puals clothes and took off into the woods. "Wait! No! Those were Paul's..." I tried stopping him but he was gone.

Not a minute longer Paul came running back through the trees. "Where do you go?"

"Lucy I'm a spirt warrior. Just like in the legends."

"No Paul you aren't. That's why the are called legends." Finally something in my brain clicked. "Ooo my god you were the wolf!"

We sat on the ground as I tried to wrap my head around this. "Ok so let's get this straight. You turn into a wolf?"

"Yes I turn in to a wolf so does Sam and Jared. Sam changed first so he is our alpha. When we get mad we shift or when we need to. For me mostly it's when I get mad. I can't quit control my temper yet. We change because of vampires."


"Yes there are some over in Forks. They go by the Cullens. We allow them to stay over there because they eat animals not humans. But they can't come on to our land or the treaty is broken."

"Ok. I understand now. But wait what happened to our date?"

"That was the day I first shifted."

"Did it hurt?"

"Ya a little bit. Before we shift for the first time we fill out and gain muscles. Then we get really short tempered, even more than I was before. Then we get a fever. After we shift we still run hotter then normal people. See, feel." He offered me his hand. I took it. It was very warm.

"So are there other vampires?"

"Yes. They do eat humans. They have red eyes if they do. We run patrol to make sure not one of them gets on to res. Come on we got to go. I have patrol and you have to get home." He said pulling me up.

"Is there more?" I asked as we walked back to the beach.

"Yes and I promise to tell you all of it."

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