gone to soon

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I sat on the couch watching a movie. Bella walked in and sat by me. Two minutes hadn't even went by before she told me she didn't like this movie. "Well that's too bad." She huffed, got up, and left. Good riddance. One of these days I'm not going to be able to hold me temper.

I put the plate down in front of my dad. I went to get my plate when the phone rang. What now? I asked myself as I went and answered it. "Hello?"

"Lucy. You and your dad need to get over to the clearwater house." Sam said.

"Ok? Is everything ok?"

"Harry had a heart attack. He's gone luc."

"Gone?" My voice came out as a whisper. "We'll be right over." I hung up the phone. "Dad we got to go."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Harry's gone." Dad quickly rolled him self over over to the front door. I clicked lights off as I went. I helped dad into a jacket. I put shoes and a coat on. I helped dad into the truck and we were off. As I drove I could tell a storm was coming.

When we got to the house it was packed. I found Sue standing by her kids. Leah was a couple years older then me. Some people didn't like her due to her cold exterior. But I thought of her as a big sister. She was always nice to me. Seth was her younger brother. He was a couple years younger then me. He reminded me of a puppy dog.

Leah found my eye and ran right into my arms. I rubbed circles on her back as she cried into my shoulder. I guided her to the couch. I didn't say anything I just let her cry. Seth came over and started to cry on me to. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I caught Paul looking at me. He raised his eyebrows at me asking if I was ok. I'm ok I mouthed. He nodded to show that he heard me.
Both Seth and Leah had fallen asleep on me.

I looked around. I felt like somebody was missing. It finally clicked. Jacob wasn't here. I'm going to kill him! He better be going some important like killing that red haired blood sucker. She had killed one of our own. And I wanted revenge.

I had convinced Leah and Seth to go to bed. I was about dead on my feet. Tonight had taken a lot out of me. Paul found me before I found him. His eyes softened when he saw me. "Come on baby. I'm going to take you home. Charlie can take Billy home." I nodded my head as he led me to the truck. Neither of us talked. The radio played softly in the background. Paul fingers were intwined with mine.

When we walked into my bed room. I sat on the bed and broke down. Paul pulled me closer as I cried into his chest. "Poor Leah." I hicuped. "Poor Seth. Poor Sue." I huicuped again. "Where's Jake?"

"Bella went cliff diving today. The water was high and a storm was coming. She would have drowned if Jake hadn't saved her. So he took her home." All I could think was how stupid could she be?

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