the news

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Two years had flown by since the wedding. I was working at the local doctors office as a nurse. Paul was working at the auto shop. I pulled into the drive way and parked next to Paul's pickup. Our house stood in front of me. We lived in Paul's house. His father gave it to us as a wedding present. He said that he wanted it to be ours since Paul lived in it more then he did. If he wanted to vist he would get a hotel room. So we made the house into our own. With our own touches.
I grabbed my purse and the small wrapped box. I went into the house. Butterfly were flying in my stomach as I hung up my purse and took my shoes off. I keeped the small box with me as I walked to the kitchen. 

"Hi baby." I said to Paul as I walked into the kitchen. He was making dinner. 

"Hey beautiful." I sat at the table and but the box on the table next to me.

"What's for dinner?" 

"Chicken and baked potatoes." He said looking over at me. He smiled back at me as I smiled at him. His eye soon wondered over to the neatly wrapped box. 

"Who's gift is that?" 

"It's yours. When your ready you can open it." He put the chicken in the oven and set a timer. He then came over and sat next to me. 

"We got 20 minutes before dinner is ready. What's the occasion?" A smile came over my lips. Butterfly flew faster. 

"Here. Open it." I said handing him the box. He looked at me funny but took it. He started to unwrap it. I couldn't sit still so I played with my wedding ring. Turning it slowly around on my finger. As he took the lid of the box I turned it faster. His wide eye looked meet mine.

"Is this for real?" I nodded my head excitedly as I big smile took over my face. He jumped out of the chair still holding the positive pregnancy test. "I'm going to be a dad! We're going to be parents!" He grabbed me out of my chair and wrapped me in a hug. His eyes shone with excitement. I bet my eyes were too. We hadn't been in a hurry to have kids but I was so excited.  I wrapped my arms around him.

"When did you find out?" 

"Just this morning. I missed my period the last two months but I didn't think of it as anything until this morning. When Sue mentioned I was glowing and asked if I was pregnant.  So I went to the gas station and bought a test. Then I took it this morning." I said with so much joy in my voice. 

"I can't believe it!" 

"I can't either. But where having a baby!" He picked me up and spun me around. "I can't wait to meet him." He said as he put me down.

"I can't either but it's going to be a girl. But I really don't care as long as it is healthy." 

"I love you so much." 

"I love you too so damn much."

My Hothead WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora