He gone

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Jake knocked on my door later  that night. "Come in." I called. He came in and layed  next to me.

"How did it go?"

"I didn't go." Jake sent me a puzzled look.

"He never showed up." I couldn't help but fill disappointed. I thought he had liked me. Apparently not. He probley just wanted to screw me and leave just like the man hore he is.

"I'm sorry Luc. What me to beat him up?" I loved my brother but he couldn't hurt a fly. I laughed at him he joined in.

Saturday and Sunday came and went. And i  had not heard  a word from him. I guess this was a lesson for me. No more boys.  Monday came and it was back to school. I walked through the halls with Jake, Embry, and Quil. It was about 2 days later when Jared Paul's best friend up and disapered. Two weeks later they still weren't here.  Everybody said they were making a cult. I rolled my eyes at that rumor.

"I'm serous Luc, they could be." Embry said as we sat down at our lunch table.

"I think your dead wrong." I pointed a fry at him.

"No it's true." Quil butted in. 

"Sombody saw them cliff driving off the highest cliff."

"I'm sure that's safe." I said rolling my eyes. I looked at the time and got up.

"Bye guys see you later." I said as i went to go  garbage away.

I walked in to my history class and looked behind my seat  to see a desk that had been empty for about two weeks but today there was a body sitting in it. It was the desk that belonged to Paul. And sitting in the desk was Paul. He had cut off his long hair and  his muscles had filled out. He was all muscle that i could see. He looked better in short hair then he did his long hair. He also had a tattoo.

He looked up his and his   eyes meet mine. His face went from happy and looking like he was in aww of me to pissed off. I sat down and he ran out of the room like there was a fire. Ok weird.

I came home to find Sam Uley sitting in the kitchen with my dad. I took in the sight blinking a few times. I shook my head and headed to my room. I grabbed my books and put them on my desk to start my homework. A knock on my door came.

"Come in." I said as Jake came in.

"Do you know what Uleys doing here?"

"No clue." I said spinning my chair around to look at him. "Maybe he's trying to convince dad to join there so called cult." I said smiling. Jake's face went into a frown.

"Not funny."

"It was a little bit."

A/N sorry it's a short chapter. They will get longer!

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