The Rising

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Walking back to Sam's house I felt super proud of myself. My tribe in the future wouldn't have to worry about vampires. I felt like dancing. Instead of dancing I wore a huge smile on my face. I wore the smile all the way to the house. Every time Sam would look at me he would chuckle.

"You did a great job Lucy!"

"Thanks! I feel like I can finally breath again." We went into the house.

"Hi guys." Emily greeted.

"It must have went well. Sit down I just finished making lunch."

"I was just going..." With one look I stoped saying that I was just going to go home.

"Your staying for lunch. I made plenty."

"Ok Emily. You win." I went over to the table and sat by Leah. Quil had finally turned. I was happy since he knew everything know and we didn't have to lie about it. But yet I was happy. He could get hurt pretty easy. "Hey guys." A chorus of hellos came back. I noticed that Paul was back. He sat there looking at his plate as we ate.

All of a sudden Leah sat straight as an arrow. All the boys got up and ran out out of the house. I look at Leah in question. "Bella and Jake are here." I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to deal with her today. Leah  got up and made her way to the door with me right behind her. I stood on the porch as she went down towards Bella. "If your hear to torment Jake some more feel free to leave." With that she stomped off. It seemed like Leah disliked Bella almost as much as me. Almost that is.

"Fun isn't she?" Jake asked. I shot him a glare as I walked off to find Leah.
The tv played the news that my dad was watched as I read. My peaceful reading was cut off by the shrill of my phone. I answered it since it was Jake.


"Meet me at Charlie's house. Hurry!"

"Jake? What's going on?" I asked as I got up from the couch. Instead of a reply I got the dial tone. Meaning that he had hung up. I slipped on a jacket and some shoes. "I got to go dad. Jake needs my help."

When I got to the Swan house I saw Jake and another boy getting in each other's faces. I got out of the truck and made my way towards them. "What in the hell is going on?" I asked once I reached them. I noticed bella holding her hand and looking like she was in pain. She was clinging to the other boy. This must be Edward Cullen I guessed.

"I kissed Bella. She punched me and ended up breaking her hand. Total misunderstanding." I felt like laughing. All of this for that? I felt like I was dealing with 2 year olds instead if 100 year old dead guy and a werewolf.

"You shouldn't have touched her mutt!" My head snapped to the leech.

"There is no need for name calling. It was a misunderstanding. I'm tired and would like to go home."

"Not until I rip his head off!"

Something snapped inside of me. "You will do no such thing!" A dark deep voice came out of me. "If you harm him or any of my boys I will kill you slowly. I know that you can't be killed with out being burned. So each day I would kill you and bring you back and do it again. Do you understand me?" Nobody spoke. "Do you understand me?!" The voice yelled."

"Yes I understand."

"Good." My voice said. I dug the keys out of my pocket. "Here Jake. Dive me home." I handed him the keys. I suddenly felt exhausted. As Jake drove us home I feel asleep.

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