Bella needs a leash

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I woke up to a cold bed. Paul had protrol early this morning. I got up and looked out the window. Today had a clear sky and looked warm. I gathered up clothes and went to take a shower. I braided my hair out of my face.

As I passed Jake's room I looked in. He was sleeping. I smiled softly and closed his bedroom door in hopes he would sleep better and longer. I got out to bowls for cereal for breakfast since I was being lazy. A knock came to the door. I went and opened it. There stood Bella. I wish she would just go away.

"I've got to see him." She pushed past me.

"Bella! You can't. This isn't  your damn house! I yelled as I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She shot me a dirty look.

"You don't control me or Jake. Jake wants to see me! So let me go. Go and hoe around with Paul. I'm sure you'll get knocked up sooner or later." My mouth fell open. She tugged her arm out of my gasp and went on her way.
I saw the boys coming through the window.

I shoved my feet into some shoes and ran out to am meet them. I ran right into Paul's arms with tears coming down my face.

"Babe what's the matter?" I told him what she had said. I knew that the others could also hear. The tears keeped rolling down my face. I don't know why I was so upset about her opion. It didn't really matter what she thought but yet I was crying. I felt Paul shake before he took some deep breaths. He wiped some of the tears off my face while he said don't listen to her she's just a spoiled brat. He told me.

All of the sudden he got really tense and pushed me behind him. I peered my head around him to see Bella walking towards us. Somebody needed to put a leash on her.

"What did you do to him!" She screamed as she pushed Sam a little. All the boys went even more tense. Paul was shaking.

"Easy!" Sam put an arm out hoping to diffuse the situation. I could tell Paul was losing his temper. I moved so I was behind Jared and Embry.

"Why what did he tell you?"

"Nothing because he's scared of you." Everybody including me laughed at this. Jake was not scared of us. They were his brothers. I was his sister. With in a blink of a second she had slapped Paul. That's when all he'll broke lose.

Where Paul had stood was his wolf. He let out a roar as he shook. His lips curled over his teeth. Bella went running away. Jake came out. He hoped over the rail of the porch.

"Run! Jake run!" She yelled then tripped. A chuckle escaped my lips. Jake phased over her. Him and Paul started fighting. They went right into the boat and into the woods.

"Well I might have wanted to use that boat. But not any more." I mumbled.

"Well wolf's out of the bag now."

"Take her back to Emily's." Sam said as he went after the two large wolves. They boys went over to Bella as I went inside and told my dad what had happened.

"Hey wait for me!" I yelled as I ran out the door. Jared helped me into the back of the truck. Once in Embry drove off.

"Well she's doing pretty good." Jared said as he sat next to me.

"I wish Paul would have ate her." Jared looked at me shocked.

"She s always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. Plus I have a feeling it's just going to add more problems." I explained as I let my braid out and ran my finger threw it.

" Your feelings and prediction are usually right. Since you are alpha."
We finally got to Emily's house. I jumped out of the back and started towards the door. Jared and Embry were right behind me.

"I think we should go check on Jake." Bella said from still in the truck.

"I hope Jake sinks some teeth in him." I shook my head at them and walked into the house.

"Hey Emily." I said as i sat at the table.

"Hey what's going in?" "Paul phased in front of Bella. So we brought the vamp girl."

"Why did he phase?"

"Well number one Bella told me to go hoe around with him and I'd probably get knocked up by him. Second she slapped him."

"No!" I nodded my head yes.  Jared came and sat by me Embry next to him. I tuned out the conversation until Embry started talking about the wolves.

"Damn it Embry this chick runs with vampires."

"Couldn't have said it better." I mumbled. Jared smiled at me letting me know he had heard.

"I can't run with vampires because their really fast."

"Ya... well were faster." She jerked her head back like she had been slapped but regained her composure."So Lucy your a wolf?" She asked with a  sickening sweet smile.

I raised my eyes to meet hers and threw my shoulders back. "No. She's an alpha female." Jared said before I could. He said it with a cocky grin.

"What's that?" I decided to answer this one.

"When I want you to know I'll tell you."

"Nobody tells her till I want her to know." I told the wolves in a whisper so they would hear. They nodded.

I saw through the screen door that Jake and Paul were back. Sam was already in the house. They pushed each other playful. I was glad they were getting along. I smiled to myself. They came in. Paul looked around the house. He locked eyes with me and made his way over. He lifted me up, sat down and put me on his lap. He put his head in my neck.

"I didn't hurt you did i?" I shook my head no knowing he would feel it. I grapped his hand and held it. I watched as Jake and Bella left. I let out a sigh of relief.

I leaned and whispered  in Paul's ear and said I wish you would have ate her." He looked at me and laughed. I smiled and laughed with him.

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