In Question

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I woke up the next morning in my bed. Jake must have brought me in here after we got home. I was still tired. Like I had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep. Last night's events came flooding back. I threw the blankets off of me. I got up and head to the living room. There sat my dad, Jake, Sam, and Paul. All staring at me. I felt self conscious since I was still in my PJ's.

"What's going on? Why is he here?" I asked pointing at Paul with a frown on my lips. His eyes meet mine. His usually hard eyes were soft. 

"Sit down Luc." Dad said softly. The only seat open was by Paul. I didn't want to sit by him but it was better than the floor. I went and sat down. I could feel his warmth from where I sat. I really missed. But I didn't know how to fix our relationship. I guess the first step was to talk to him. I decided that I would talk to him after what ever we were doing.

"Lucy, Jake explained what happened last night." Dad stated breaking me out if my thoughts. I turned my head and looked at him. 

"It wasn't anything special, I was just protecting my brother." I said simply. I know that my voice had went deeper. But it was just because I was mad.

"No Lucy it wasn't that simple." Jake said. "It wasn't your voice. It was somebody else's voice coming out of you and your mouth. It sounded nothing like you. And your eyes." He took a breath. "They were glowing." I sat there over turning what he had told me. 

"It was just the lighting Jake." 

"Lucy your eyes were glowing green." 

"But my eyes are brown." Everybody stayed silent. I was starting to freak out.
"Why did my eyes glow? Why did my voice change?!"

 "We don't know." 

"Don't know?! Why don't we know?! Have we checked the legends?!" 

"We have gotten through most of them. There are still a couple left." I felt like my whole world was coming down around me. I got up and went on to the front porch. I sat on the stairs with my head in my hands. I heard somebody come and sit by me.

"Are you OK?" Paul asked. 

"No. Not really." I answered ad I lifted my head to look at him. 

"I figured. Sorry that was a stupid question to ask." 

"It's ok Paul I just wished I knew what was happening." 

"I know Luc, but we will figure it out." I nodded my head. "Lucy I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." 

"About what?" We locked eyes with each other.

 "About us breaking up. It was all my fault. I was so worried about hurting you that I pushed you away. I'm so sorry. It's so damn hard for me not to reach out and grab you, hold your hand, or even kiss you."

"So do it." I had missed him so much. I just needed to know how sorry he was. 

"Do what?" He asked confused. 

"Kiss me." He didn't waste anytime he pulled me in. Our lips crashed together. I melted in to the kiss. It felt so right. We pulled away. Our foreheads rested against each other's. "We will get through all of this."

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