right choice

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It was the next day. My head was a little sore but not much. Instead of Paul bring me home, I rode home with dad and Jake. He didn't even come see me last night. It was weird not having anybody next to me and having a cold bed. This morning I had sent Jake  to remind Bella and her leech about the treaty.

I was going a little stir crazy since my dad was forcing me to stay in bed. I had already finished my book and had start another one. I let my mind wonder. I wondered how Seth and Leah were doing and how they were taking all of this. I wondered where Paul was and what he was doing. And where was Jake?

After that thought Jake came through the door. "It's bad Lucy." He said in a whisper. I patted the spot next to me. He layed down next to me. His feet hung off my bed.

"What happened Jake?" I asked softly.

"I told them about the treaty. After graduation she is going to become one." I froze. Was she freaken nuts? I threw the covers away from me. "Luc where are you going? You can't get out of bed!"

"I need to talk to Sam."

"Luc you have to stay in bed. If I let you out dad will have my skin." I put my hands on my hips.

"I need to talk to Sam."

"Stay in bed. I'll go get him and bring him over here." I huffed but agreed. He ran out as I got back in bed.

It was later when Sam walked in. "Hey Lucy how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"Then why are you not allowed out of bed?"

"Because of my dad." He laughed as I pouted.

"Don't laugh." I groaned out as I threw my head back. Once we stoped laughing the mood turned serous. "I'm guessing Jake told you about Bella." He nodded. "I want them gone before they do it. If they turn her here there will be a war. I don't want to have it."

"What do you propose?"

"I'm hoping to have a meeting and talk to Carslie about it."

"When would you like it. I'll set it up."

"A week from now." He nodded.

"Thank you."

It's been 4 days counting the other day that dad has keeped me in bed. To make sure I didn't have a concession. I was not thrilled about it. He could see how stir crazy I was getting. So he was finally let in my go. Another thing Paul hadn't came to see me. I tried calling him but it always went to voicemail. I had asked Jake about it but he would just dodge the subject.

The first place I was going was the beach. I started to walk gown where the sand meet the water. My eyes keeped moving to see everything. There was a lot of people down here. My eyes landed on a  familiar guy. Paul. I knew how much I missed him but as soon as I saw him it hit me just how much I had missed him. I felt lighter. I started towards him. He looked up and his eyes found mine. A smile broke out on my face. I ran over to him expecting him to pick me up. But he didn't.

"We need to talk." His eyes were hard. The smike slipped from my face. A sudden weight came over me. "We cant keep doing this." I was so confused.

"Doing what?"

"We cant keep dating." My heart broke. My eyes went wide.

" What? Why?"

"You are really stupid aren't you! I could have hurt you the other day! Your lucky you didn't." I felt sick and dizzy.

"So that's it?! Ya I could have gotten hurt. I could get hurt walking here today or get stuck by lightning. You got to give me a better excuse then that." I was close to tears.

"Fine you want the real reason?!"

"Yes you idiot! Cut the bull crap!" I yelled back at him.

"Your to clingy. I'm sick of try to protect you when you run head first into dangerous situation. Your just as bad as Bella!" He yelled at me. I felt like I had been slapped. Your just as bad as Bella. Keeped going around my brain.

"Ok Paul you got your point across. But just for the record everybody said that you would break my heart. Stomp on it throw it in the dirt. I guess they were right. But I thought you were different but I guess they were all right. Because  you were exactly like they said." Tears ran down my face. He jerked his head back. "Bye Paul. I hope your happy." I turned and walked away.

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